
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpp110894
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2014年,浙江省石油和化学工业(简称“石化行业”)经济运行保持了平稳发展的局面,全年累计完成产值10676亿元,同比增长6.1%。受国际市场油价大幅下跌影响,全年行业盈利增幅下降,价格总水平低位徘徊。2014年实现利润总额502亿元,同比下降7.5%。主营业务成本同比增长2.0%,成本要素压力仍然较大。值得关注的是,石化行业大项目投产较多,投资比上年增长21.4%,高于全省工业投资增长12.7个百分点,拉动工业投资增幅2.5个百分点。绿色安全制造基地建设成效明显,化工新材料发展有较大突破,出口情况有所好转。预计2015年我省石化主要产品市场需求将保持适度增长,主要行业价格总水平较2014年持平或有所反弹,行业经济运行总体保持平稳。 In 2014, the economic operation of Zhejiang Petroleum and Chemical Industry (“Petrochemical Industry”) maintained a steady development with a total output value of 1,076.7 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% over the same period of previous year. Affected by the drastic drop in oil prices in the international market, the profit growth of the industry dropped during the year and the total price level hovered at a low level. In 2014, a total profit of 50.2 billion yuan, down 7.5%. The cost of main business increased by 2.0% over the same period of last year, and the pressure of cost factor is still relatively large. It is noteworthy that the petrochemical industry has put into operation a large number of large projects, investment increased by 21.4% over the previous year, higher than the provincial industrial investment growth of 12.7 percentage points, driving industrial investment growth of 2.5 percentage points. The construction of a green and secure manufacturing base has achieved remarkable results. The development of new chemical materials has made a big breakthrough and the export situation has been somewhat improved. It is expected that the market demand for the major petrochemical products in our province will maintain moderate growth in 2015. The overall price level of major industries has rebounded or remained unchanged from 2014 and the overall economic operation of the industry remained stable.
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