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他们说女汉子是一种既不同于女人也不同于男人的新型物种,这种尴尬如同政治课在所有学科中所处地位一样,不主不副,理论上重要,事实上不重要,是一种不受待见的意识灌输。这种不受待见你可以从“死尸”一片的教室里闻得到。仔细一想,我从小到大的政治老师竟然有许多惊人的相似之处,男性为主,地中海发型居多、年龄四十以上、穿深色夹克或者西装,普通话也不是很标准,照本宣科,没有抑扬顿挫,没有慷慨激昂,偶有几个愤青,发泄之后也会很怂的交待大家不要出去乱讲。讲课的基本模式都是梳理理论然后剩余时间背书,所以君常常见讲台上唾沫横飞,底下躺死一片。 They say that a female man is a new species that is different from a woman and a man. This embarrassment, like political classes in all disciplines, is neither new nor dominant, theoretically important, in fact unimportant, Sense of indoctrination You can get it from the “Dead” one-sided classroom. When I think about it, my small political teacher has many striking similarities: male dominated, Mediterranean hairstyle mostly, over 40, wearing dark jackets or suits, and Mandarin is not very standard. , There is no impassioned, sometimes a few angry youth, after venting will be very counseling confessed we do not go out chaos. The basic mode of lectures is to sort out the theory and endorsement of the remaining time, so often you see the podium spit fly, lying under the dead one.
大熊猫生日,吹灭生日蜡烛后,朋友们问它,许了什么愿望。大熊猫回答说:“我这辈子有两个最大的愿望,一个是希望能把我的黑眼圈治好,还有一个是照张彩色照片!” Giant pandas
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每次编辑稿件,对老编们都是一种考验和历练。因为择选出的每个真情故事,首先要感动自己,才有感动读者的可能。其实,那些文章,何尝不在老编的心里留下位置和回忆?虽 Each edi
长脖子哥哥天性好动,调皮捣(dǎo)蛋,经常惹(rě)爸爸妈妈生气。大耳朵弟弟天生聪明,各门功课 Long neck brother good nature, naughty pound eggs, often provoke mom and
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近日,人力资源社会保障部、科技部发出《关于表彰全国科技管理系统先进集体、先进工作者的决定》(人社部发[2008]120号),对在推进科技进步与创新、建设创新型国家中作出了 R
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