Mrs.Erlynne: a \\"Disgraceful\\" Good Woman--a Pragmatic Approach to Lady Windermere&#

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Lady Windermere’s Fan is Oscar Wilde’s first social comedy.Mrs.Erlynne,both the protagonist and antagonist of the play,is a woman with a disgraceful past.She attempts to return to the society by ulterior blackmailing her son-in-law,which causes and nearly brings fatal consequences to her own daughter.At the critical moment,she exposes herself to great humiliation and danger in order to rescue her daughter.With the application of Grecian conversational implicature theory,the author analyzes Mrs.Erlynne’s personality,and points out the true virtues in this “disgraceful” woman of the play. Lady Windermere’s Fan is Oscar Wilde’s first social comedy. Mrs. Erlynne, both the protagonist and antagonist of the play, is a woman with a disgraceful past. The attempts to return to the society by ulterior blackmailing her son-in-law, which causes and nearly brought fatal consequences to her own daughter. At the critical moment, she exposes herself to great humiliation and danger in order to rescue her daughter. Since the application of Grecian conversational implicature theory, the author analyzes Mrs. Erlynne’s personality, and points out the true virtues in this “disgraceful ” woman of the play.
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