必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics

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  The Nile River has always made life possible in the desert areas of Egypt. However, the Nile also made life___1___when it flooded. The modern Egyptian government decided a___2___could control the Nile to prevent both floods and lack of water. Work___ 3___on the Aswan Dam in 1960.
  ___4___, when plans were made for the dam experts quickly discovered that the great temples at Abu Simbel would be forever___ 5___. They would be under water in the new lake formed by the dam. Egypt appealed to (向……呼吁) the United Nations agency UNESCO for help. UNESCO appealed to the world.
  The governments of the world___6___help and money to save the great temples. In 1964 work began to cut the temples away from the rock mountain. Each large piece was moved sixty meters up the mountain to a___7___ area. Then the huge temples were___8___rebuilt. The work was finished in 1968.
  Today Abu Simbel is safe. It looks much the same as it has for the past three thousand years. It will continue to___9___the ancient king and his queen for many years to come. And it will honor the modern world’s efforts to___10___a truly great work of art.
  1. A. difficult B. impossible
   C. easy D. different
  2. A. mountain B. lake
   C. temple D. dam
  3. A. began B. reported
   C. failed D. finished
  4. A. So B. Therefore
   C. However D. Still
  5. A. lost B. forgotten
   C. changed D. finished
  6. A. asked B. provided
   C. advised D. needed
  7. A. favorite B. safe
   C. different D. old
  8. A. quickly B. finally
   C. carefully D. rarely
  9. A. honor B. greet
   C. welcome D. serve
  10. A.doubt B. organize
  ___ C. save D. judge
  Easter Island, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, is one of the most faraway islands in the world. It belongs to Chile(智利),___ 11___is about 3,600 km (2,237 miles) east of the island. For such___12___ small island, Easter Island has a rich and complicated history. Most experts believe the island’s earliest people to have been Polynesian. However, many locals say that the island’s earliest people came from two different races___13___called Long Ears with fair skin and red hair, and the other called Short Ears,___ 14___were dark skinned.
  The first___15___(record) European contact with the island was on Easter Sunday, April 5,1722,___ 16______Dutch sailor Jacob Roggeveen visited the island. On September 9, 1888 the island was joined to Chile .
  Easter Island is best known___17___its large stone statues called Moai. Experts believe these statues date back anywhere from 400 to 1700 AD. The statues are often thought to only show big heads, but they are___18___ (actual) of entire body. However, many of the statues 19___(sink) into the earth, with only their heads showing. A total of 887 of these statues have been found___ 20______the island.
  The Great Wall was begun more than two thousand years ago. It was built to keep out invaders. It extends about six thousand seven hundred kilometers across northern China. Today, the Chinese government is working to repair parts of the wall and protect as much of it as possible. The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects ever attempted. It is also the only object built by people that can be seen from space.
  The Coliseum in Rome, Italy was built almost two thousand years ago. The ancient Roman sports center could hold fifty thousand people who gathered there to watch public events. Experts say it is one of the finest examples of Roman design and engineering.
  The city of Machu Picchu in Peru includes some of the best stone work ever built. The ancient Inca people built Machu Picchu high in the Andes Mountains, northwest of the city of Cuzco. Machu Picchu is about thirteen square kilometers. Historians say it might have been one of the last places of safety for the Incas who were fleeing invaders from Spain.
  India is famous for its temples and buildings. The most famous is the Taj Mahal, considered one of the most beautiful buildings every built. The fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan, ordered it built in Agra in sixteen thirty-one. He built it as a burial place in memory of his wife. The Taj Mahal has tiny colorful stones inlaid in white marble. The structure seems to change color during different times of the day and night.
  Abu Simbel was built more than three thousand years ago. It is about 280 kilometers south of Aswan on the western bank of the Nile River. It took an army of workmen and artists more than thirty years to cut the huge temple into the face of a rock mountain. In front of the main temple are four huge statues(雕像) of Ramses the Second. Each statue is about twenty meters high.
  Stonehenge also belongs on a list of ancient wonders. It is a circle of huge stones in southwestern England. Experts believe work began on Stonehenge about five thousand years ago. We know very little about Stonehenge. We do not even know how these huge stones were moved to the area. Much has been written about Stonehenge, but experts say they still are not sure what it was used for.
  21. Mr. Smith, who comes from Rome, Italy, plans to visit Asia. He hears about a beautiful building which tells a moving story about the love between an ancient ruler and his wife.
  22. Li Hua, who has been to the Great Wall several times, plans to visit an ancient wonder in Europe which has as long a history as the Great Wall.
  23. Cindy, who comes from India, plans to visit an ancient temple on the bank of a famous river in Africa. The temple, in front of which there are some huge statues, is one of the greatest stone works ever built.
  24. Jack will visit one of the oldest stone work ever built by people. It was made up of huge stones, but how ancient people moved the stones and why they built it remain a mystery.
  25. A scientist will be sent into space. He hopes he can see an object built by human beings when he looks at our earth with his bare eyes.
  根据中文提示,用英语叙述和氏璧(the Jade disc of He)的故事。
  楚文王:信,命人将石加工为玉璧(a jade disc),称和氏璧;
  秦始皇:公元前221年统一中国,得和氏璧,制为国玺(Imperial seal),历朝相传,但唐朝后失踪。
妞妞出生在7月,从产院回家后,姥姥就提出了一堆的注意事项:宝宝不能穿单衣裤,在家也要戴帽子,不能开空调,不能开窗……真的需要这样吗?  Q夏天出生的新生宝宝要比大人穿得多吗?  A不用穿得比大人多。  由于新生宝宝的体温调节中枢不稳定,不能很好地调节体温,夏天室内环境温度高,宝宝的体温也会相对较高,如果宝宝比大人穿得多,宝宝不仅难受,而且容易发热。  夏天宝宝穿衣以款式简洁和宽松为好,这样宝宝活动
教学立意是“教师根据课程标准,结合学情,在分析教科书文本的基础上,所确定的一节课的主题思想”[1]。在《新中国初期的政治建设》一课教学中,教学要确立“人民的抉择、制度的自信”为教学主题,通过创设情境、探究史料、拓展思维等方式,帮助学生更好理解新中国政治建设的内容,提升民主意识,彰显社会主义制度自信。  一、创设问题情境、激发学习兴趣  课堂导入是为了引导学生在心理上做好学习的认知准备,引发学生的学
吃完晚饭,家人坐在一起看电视,关于利比亚首都的黎波里再次遭到空袭的新闻,吸引了5岁女儿的注意。她转动着地球仪,终于找到位于地中海南岸的那个沙漠之国,不解地问:“他们为什么要打仗?”  利比亚,战争正在上演,动荡仍在加剧。报道说,30多万难民逃离利比亚,拥挤在突尼斯边境附近的难民营里艰难度日。利比亚各地食品价格飞涨,供应短缺。难民最大的心愿是能快点回家。  从一些数据来看,动乱前的利比亚人民生活水平
招商引资,是拉动经济发展的重要动力,而营商环境,是吸引客商的前提。党的十八大以来,从中央到地方,无不反复强调“营造优良营商环境”。因此,打造优良营商环境,成为各地最重要的任务;营商环境也成为一个地方发展潜力的重要指标。  那么,什么样的营商环境,才算优良?  习近平总书记说得好:要依法平等保护国有、民营、外资等各种所有制企业产权和自主经营权,完善各类市场主体公平竞争的法治环境。  完善“依法平等保
在经济日愈发展的今天,基层图书馆却面临着尴尬的萎缩现状,在县城,在乡村,在校园,在大量贫困地区,图书馆已经成为一种难能可贵的体验。2008年,基层图书馆人均藏书0.4册,县级以下只有0.1册。  依旧有许多边远贫困地区的孩子,对书本和知识充满渴求却无力承担。    杭州图书馆馆长褚树青曾说“我无权拒绝他们(乞丐)入内,但读者有权选择离开”,他一直践行着“公共图书馆零门槛开放”的理念。  事实上,这
近日,中华、高露洁、黑妹、佳洁士、黑人、立白6个品牌美白牙膏被爆出含有漂白剂,长期使用有健康隐患。广西一家媒体进行了试验,结果显示,6种牙膏均能使用碘溶液、稀硫酸和淀粉调制而成的测试剂褪色,由此得出牙膏中或多或少含有漂白剂成分。  立白集团日前作出回应,称已经委托了广州市质检院作为第三方检测机构进行检测,目前还在等待检测结果。
摘 要  艺术治疗应用于中小学心理健康教育的研究主要基于“艺术创造即治疗”理论,认为人在创作时能够重整内在需求与冲突,激发自我疗愈。艺术治疗贴合儿童与青少年的内隐性、动荡性等心理特点,有助于帮助学生形成自信心、归属感与社会意识。中小学校可以借鉴国外成熟的项目模式,运用舞动治疗、戏剧治疗、美术治疗、音乐治疗四大表达性艺术治疗手段,灵活整合多种艺术形式,促进中小学生心理健康。  关键词  艺术治疗;心
智慧课堂是依据建构主义理论,运用“互联网 ”的思维方式和大数据、云计算等新一代信息技术构建的,支持课前、课中、课后全过程应用的智能、高效的课堂。[1]因此,如何把信息技术与课堂教学深度融合,提高课堂效率,发挥学生主体性,是深化课堂教学改革与创新所面临的重要课题。本文以人民版必修2《近代民族工业的兴起》的高三复习课为例,将智慧课堂在高中历史教学实践中进行了初步探索,基于新一代信息技术开展课堂前测、推
一、本大题4小题,每小题3分,共12分    1. 下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音全都不相同的一组是(3分)  A. 参禅/封禅海量/量体裁衣 自怨自艾/方兴未艾   B. 熨斗/熨帖诘问/诘屈聱牙 薄利多销/日薄西山  C. 款识/标识勒紧/悬崖勒马 拾级而上/拾人牙慧  D. 刊载/下载露脸/抛头露面 鬼使神差 /差强人意  2. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)  ① 政
你的身边一定有这样的人,他总是因为一些小事抱怨:抱怨没有赶上最后一班车,抱怨身边的人总是不顾及他的感受,抱怨别人把原本不是他负责的工作丢给了他,抱怨为什么工资那么低……甚至在大多数时候,你都不知道是怎么得罪了他,于是一顿臭骂之后,你就莫名地上了他的黑名单,并且他还会理直气壮地告诉你,你是一个不值得他付出真心的朋友。  每个人的身边都曾存在过这样一个人,而这样的人,也很可能就是你自己。  是从什么时