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一、疲劳时吸烟危害更大。有些人在工作或劳动后,常常感到疲乏无力,在这时吸支烟,觉得有提神解乏之功效。其实这时吸烟对身体危害更大。当人体消耗体能时, 肾上腺就分泌大量的肾上腺素至血液中,使血液循环加速,心跳加快,此时吸烟,烟中有害物质,如尼古丁、焦油、亚硝胺等,很容易趁机进入血液。有人做过实验,将小鼠分成二组,一组让其被动运动,另一组不加处理。尔后分别用烟雾熏它们,结果,运动组比静止组垂危时间快。由此推断,血液循环加 First, smoking more harmful to fatigue. After working or working, some people often feel tired and weak, smoking cigarettes at this time, feeling relieved and relieved. In fact, smoking is more harmful to the body at this time. When the body consumes physical energy, the adrenal glands secrete a large amount of adrenaline into the bloodstream, accelerating the blood circulation and accelerating the heartbeat. At this time, smoking, harmful substances in the smoke, such as nicotine, tar, nitrosamines and the like, are easy to take the opportunity to enter the bloodstream. Someone has done experiments, the mice are divided into two groups, one for passive exercise, the other without treatment. They were smoked with smoke, respectively, as a result, exercise group dying group faster than the stationary group. Inferred from this, plus blood circulation
中文名:洛杉矶之战外文名:Battle:Los Angeles其他译名:全球入侵,洛杉矶之战,异形侵略战(香港),世界异战(台湾)出品公司:哥伦比亚影片公司导演:乔纳森·理贝斯曼编剧:克里斯
目的 研究PICC置管部位医用粘胶相关性皮肤损伤的护理体会.方法 抽选来自2018年4月至2019年4月期间我院收治的PICC置管患者(90例),按照抽签随机法将其分为对照组和观察组(各4
家庭盆栽山茶冬春季节管理不当,最易出现僵蕾僵花现象。即花蕾不等开放,就蔫萎干枯;有的虽可开放,但花开不久就脱落了。我认为,要想避免此现象的发生,需注意以下几点: Fami
目的:研究单孔及单操作孔胸腔镜在肺部疾病肺楔形切除手术中的应用效果.方法:于我院行不同手术方法 的患者中各随机抽取24例,对照组接受单操作孔胸腔镜手术,观察组接受单孔胸