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9月17日,以抗议“华尔街的贪婪、美国高失业率及社会分配不均”为主要内容的“占领华尔街”运动在纽约爆发,后蔓延至全球多国。该运动的口号源于加拿大反消费主义杂志《Adbusters》网站的一次选题策划,其倡议瞬间点燃了美国人愤怒的导火索,两个月来势头未减。这一没有领导人、没有集中诉求、没有明确解决方案,且起初被美国主流媒体“忽视”的松散运动何以一呼百应?下文标题概括了这场在多国爆发、口号不同、性质一致的运动。标题中Rage Against The Machine借用一美国摇滚乐队之名,该乐队成立于1991年,勇于揭露美国社会、政治和经济等诸多弊端,1992年推出了首张同名专辑,在商业上大获成功。作为针对资本主义弊端的倾诉,“占领华尔街”宣泄的是99%的普通民众的愤怒,但鉴于政府与民众间隔着资本的强大利益,民声会化为怎样的结果尚有待观察。 On September 17, the “Occupy Wall Street” movement with protests as “Wall Street greed, high unemployment rate in the United States and uneven social distribution” broke out in New York and spread to many countries in the world. The slogan of the campaign stems from a selection of topics from the Canadian anti-consumerism magazine Adbusters, whose initiative instantly ignited an angry fury of Americans that has not diminished in two months. This one without leader, without concentrated demands, without a clear solution, and with the slightest loose movement by the mainstream American media “ignore”? The following title summarizes the movement that broke out in many countries, with different slogans and of a consistent nature. The title Rage Against The Machine in the name of a US rock band, the band was founded in 1991, the courage to expose the United States social, political and economic and many other disadvantages, in 1992 launched the debut album of the same name, a great success in business. As an account of the malpractices of capitalism, “Occupy Wall Street” is the anger of 99% of the ordinary people. However, given the strong capital interests of the government and the people, the outcome of the speech will remain to be seen.
One day, a little girl fell down onto the ground, the boy went over and wanted to help her up. But his mother stopped him and said:“don’t do that, otherwise,
The toad (1) was very happy to get a hat on his birthday. His friend frog made the hat for him. The toad wore (2) the hat and had a walk with the frog. “I am r