
来源 :中国地方病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuaigekk1989
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地方病科学委员会地甲病专题组主持的“全国地方性亚临床克汀病学术座谈会”于1985年9月20日至21日在山西省忻州市召开。参加人员有专题组的部分成员和来自14个省、市、自治区的有关专家和从事地甲病的专业人员,以及特邀代表共48人。座谈会的目的希望总结近些年各地的调查研究,对地方性亚临床克汀病的统一命名、诊断标准、发病机理和防治措施等问题展开讨论, The Endemic Disease Branch of the Local Disease Science Commission hosted the “National Symposium on Clinical Subclinical Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease” held in Xinzhou, Shanxi Province from September 20 to 21, 1985. A total of 48 participants, including some members of the special group and relevant experts from 14 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, as well as professionals engaged in the field of disease and disease, as well as invited representatives, attended the meeting. The purpose of the symposium It is hoped to summarize the investigations and studies in various places in recent years and discuss the issues such as the uniform naming, diagnostic criteria, pathogenesis and prevention and control measures of endemic subclinical cretinism,
阴离子隙(AG)、对诊断代谢性酸中毒具有迅速可靠的特点,对某些复杂的酸碱紊乱尤为有效。本文将1983年在本科住院病例中资料完整者56例,96次AG计算结果分析如下。 Anion gap
Development of section fits with the nation’s move to use clean energy China has also commenced the exploration and development of flammable gas both onshore
我院于1981年3月至1985年1月共收治甲亢性心脏病22例,报道如下。 临床资料 一、诊断标准: 确诊为甲亢病人并符合以下条件:(一)具有如下一项以上心脏异常①明显心律失常,②心
Two palace museums across the Taiwan Straits are preserving traditiotjll mese culture together For the first time in 60 years, relics from Qing Dynasty (1644-19
全身性红斑狼疮(SLE)也易于侵犯心脏,有无心脏并发症对预后影响很大。SLE 的心脏并发症中虽亦可有肾功能不全、高血压、肺部病变等继发性改变,但本文着重对SLE 的原发性心脏
This article proposes a new model for calculating the gas-well liquid loading capacity,which is critical to an accurate prediction of gas well production.Based
目的探讨呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETCO2)与动脉二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)在不同疾病婴幼儿机械通气中的相关性。方法 58例1~36个月机械通气的婴幼儿按病种不同分为无心肺功能异常、各