做好水利援藏工作 开创西藏水利改革发展新局面

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火热的7月,热烈的雪域高原,西藏各族人民群众隆重庆祝,共迎西藏和平解放60周年。7月24日,在全国各地深入贯彻落实中央水利工作会议和中央一号文件精神,加快水利改革发展的热潮中,在贯彻落实中央第五次西藏工作座谈会精神、加快西藏各项事业改革发展的关键时期,水利部召开了第五次水利援藏工作会议,对当前和今后一个时期的水利援藏工作进行全面部署,并与西藏自治区党委、政府共谋西藏水利改革发展大计,联合签署了《加快推进西藏水利改革发展合作备忘录》。水利部领导还亲切慰问了西藏水利职工、看望了水利援藏干部,并亲自率队到条件艰苦的西藏阿里等地区进行水利调研。本刊特别辑录水利部部长陈雷、西藏自治区党委书记张庆黎、水利部副部长矫勇等领导关于加快西藏水利改革发展、做好水利援藏工作的要求和部署。希望广大读者对西藏水利事业给予更多关注和支持。 In July, the fiery snowy plateau and the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet solemnly celebrate and welcome the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. On July 24, throughout the nationwide thoroughgoing implementation of the Central Water Conservancy Work Conference and the document of the Central Government Document No.1 and the acceleration of water conservancy reform and development, in the spirit of implementing the Symposium on the Fifth Tibet Work by the Central Government and speeding up the reform and development of various undertakings in Tibet The Ministry of Water Resources held the fifth water conservancy aid work conference to conduct a comprehensive deployment of current and future water conservancy assistance to Tibet and to work with the Tibet Autonomous Region party committee and government to conspire with the development plan for the water conservancy reform in Tibet and jointly signed the “Memorandum of Cooperation on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Tibet’s Water Conservancy”. The leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources also expressed their condolences to Tibet’s water conservancy workers, visited the water conservancy cadres and personally led teams to the difficult areas such as Tibet Ali for water research. Our magazine special edition of the Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei, Party Secretary of Tibet Autonomous Region Zhang Qingli, Vice Minister of Water Resources Yong and other leaders on accelerating the development of water conservancy in Tibet, doing a good job in water conservancy work and deployment requirements. We hope that readers will pay more attention and support to Tibet’s water conservancy.
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