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开场白:2015年7月2日,“中国制造2025暨德国工业4.0峰会”作为第三届中小企业投融资交易会的重要组成部分,在北京国家会议中心召开。会议的主题是:从制造大国到制造强国,中德携手转型升级。我们请几位与会嘉宾就中国企业如何更好地学习德国先进技术,成功地转型升级等问题进行深入探讨和分享。 The opening ceremony: July 2, 2015, “Made in China 2025 and German Industry 4.0 Summit” as the third session of the SME Investment and Financing Fair an important part of the National Convention Center in Beijing. The theme of the conference was: From the founding of a big power to the building of a powerful nation, China and Germany have joined hands in transforming and upgrading. We invited several guests to conduct in-depth discussions and share on how Chinese enterprises can better learn advanced German technologies and successfully upgrade and upgrade.
The intrinsic perception process of taste is obviously far less known than those of vision, audition, touch and olfaction. Despite that taste cells utilize a va
摘要二新benzo-[ 15 ], -crown-5 与通式磅( phen ) X_2 依附啡铂( ll )建筑群 X = Cl ( 1 ),到 CC_6H_5 ( 2 )的 C i 凹部被综合了,并且他们向金属离子的吸收和光反应被学习了
标明日期的锆石虾 U-Pb 在 Dabie orogen 和它的原岩(忍受石榴石的 epldote-mica-quartzschist ) 的 Beihuaiyang 地区在 Wangmuguan 为橄榄石斑粝岩被执行。结果证明斑粝岩
在东方帕米尔高原在 7010 m 高度恢复的一个 Muztagata 冰核心从 1955 ~ 2000 提供 aPb 集中记录。结果从 1955to 揭示增加的 Pb 集中 1993,与二 Pb,集中在 1980 和 1993 达到顶
被 mesophytes 种类主要统治的河边的森林的出现和发展与表面水仔细联系。因为到过去的 5 十年年里的 Tarim 河的更低的活动范围没有水分泌物,河边的森林严重地降级。在 2002
一个二拍子的圆舞阳极化过程被用来准备高度订的多孔的阳极的氧化铝模板(泛美航空公司) 。模板方法与 sol-electrophoresisdeposition 和大音阶的第五音胶化方法被相结合综合
The distinguishing feature and current technique progress of tumor treatment with heavy-ion beams is introduced in the paper. Additional superiority to tumor tr
Hetianhe gas field, Lungudong gas field and Tazhong gas field are marine marine-origin natural gas reservoirs in the craton area in the Tarim Basin. The natural
巨大的辉绿岩发生在以内原生地,在北方中国的南部的边缘的阶层堵住,地理上在安徽和江苏省的北部分,在比 Neoproterozoic 年轻的阶层都没被发现的地方。从辉绿岩的锆石从 cathodo