Concise synthesis of valuable chiral N-Boc-β-benzyl-β-amino acid via construction of chiral N-Boc-3-

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rossifish
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Valuable chiral N-Boc-β-benzyl-β-amino acid was concisely synthesized via construction of chiral NBoc-3-benzyl-5-oxoisoxazolidine through cross-metathesis/conjugate addition/oxidation.All of the starting materials for the synthesis of chiral N-Boc-β-benzyl-β-amino acid are cheap,and two-step short procedure make it easy for the rapid construction of various chiral β-arylmethyl-β-amino acids and important drugs,such as sitagliptin phosphate. Valuable chiral N-Boc-β-benzyl-β-amino acid was concisely synthesized via construction of chiral NBoc-3-benzyl-5-oxoisoxazolidine through cross-metathesis / conjugate addition / oxidation. All of the starting materials for the synthesis of chiral N-Boc-β-benzyl-β-amino acids are cheap, and two-step short procedure make it easy for the rapid construction of various chiral β-arylmethyl-β-amino acids and important drugs, such as sitagliptin phosphate.
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本文对32例经临床确诊的强直性脊柱炎(anky-losing spondylitis,AS)髋关节异常的X线特征报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组男25例,女7例,诊断均符合1984年修订的纽约标准[1
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1病历摘要女,58岁。自诉胃疼、乏力2d就诊。查体:T37.4℃,P112次/min,R22次/min,BP100/66mm Hg,精神萎靡,全身乏力,左上腹轻压疼。心电图:窦性心律过速伴不齐;胃镜报告:胃底