Driving Forces and Development Strategies of China's Agro-tourism

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phf
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In recent years, agro-tourism has sprung up all over the country, and has gradually become a new form of agricultural business and a new force of tourism development. The development of agro-tourism plays an important role in enriching the agricultural industry forms, increasing farmers’ income, promoting the optimization and upgrading of rural industrial structure, and expanding the field of the tourism section. This paper firstly introduces domestic and foreign agro-tourism development and current research situations. Then it analyses the development background of China’s agro-tourism from the perspective of market demand, urbanization and transformation of rural economic structure. Based on analysis, it summarizes models of driving force of China’s agro-tourism: regional traffic driven, city driven, scenic spot driven, and monopolistic resource-driven. According to these four driving force types, development strategies are put forward: Characteristic product development for regional traffic driven model; in-depth theme development for city driven model; interactive development for scenic spot driven model; brand development for resource driven model; priority development for integrated driven model. It is expected to provide reference and guidance for healthy and sustainable development of China’s agro-tourism. In recent years, agro-tourism has sprung up all over the country, and has gradually became a new form of agricultural business and a new force of tourism development. The development of agro-tourism plays an important role in enriching the agricultural industry forms, increasing farmers’ income, promoting the optimization and upgrading of rural industrial structure, and expanding the field of the tourism section. This paper was introduced domestic and foreign agro-tourism development and current research situations. Then it analyzes the development background of China’s agro- based on analysis, it summarizes models of driving force of China’s agro-tourism: regional traffic driven, city driven, scenic spot driven, and monopolistic resource-driven. to these four driving force types, development strategies are forward: Characteristic product development for regional traffic driven model; in-depth theme development for city driven model; interactive development for scenic spot driven model; brand development for resource driven model; priority development for integrated driven model. It is expected to provide reference and guidance for healthy and sustainable development of China’s agro-tourism.
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