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近些年来,中老年人再婚已引起社会各界的重视,各地婚姻介绍所悉心为鳏寡或离异中老年人牵线搭桥,再结鸳鸯,成绩斐然。一度过孤独生活的中老年人找到了合适的伴侣,共享夫妻生活的乐趣,委实可喜可贺。然而必须看到,相当一部分再婚中老年人囿于传统观念,或受自责心理的支配,在对待夫妻性生活方面,认为这是难以启齿或伤风败俗的事情,有的中老年人再婚后,由于对对方性机能缺乏必要的了解,导致性生活不和 In recent years, the re-marriage of middle-aged and older people has drawn great attention from all walks of life. Marriage agencies around the world have conscientiously performed the matchmaking for the widowed or divorced middle-aged and elderly people, with the exception of the mandarin ducks. Once a middle-aged and elderly people who have lived alone find a suitable partner and share the pleasure of living the couple, it is indeed gratifying. However, we must realize that a considerable part of the middle-aged and elderly people remarry argue from the traditional concepts or are subject to self-blame psychology. They think this is an unspeakable or unprofessional matter in the treatment of the sexual life of the couple. After the middle-aged and the elderly remarry, Due to the lack of understanding of the other side of sexual function, resulting in sexual misconduct
摘要:朗读是重要的阅读基本功,课堂上学生琅琅的读书声是校园里一道亮丽的风景线。新课程教育理念下的小学语文朗读教学应该细读课程标准,明确标准相关朗读要求;在此基础上着重指导和评价学生朗诵,合理处理好朗读中重音、停顿、语速、语调和语气各要素之间的关系;最后要立足课堂教学,建立科学有效的朗读教学策略,以此不断提高学生的朗读水平,提升学生的人文素养。  关键词:小学语文;高效朗读;朗读技巧;朗读训练  英
本文讨论了信号处理中的一个基本问题——复信号以正交实信号表示时的模值计算。文中对模值的近似计算法作了一些分析,主要是根据等波纹误差原则对 A=(I~2+Q~2)~(1/2)进行线
One hundred years ago,Tibetan people,under theadministration of local Tibetan government led byTudan Gyatso (thub-bstan rgya-mtsho),the 13 DalaiLama,ignored th
We propose a new approach to harmonic retrieval in colored ARMA noise. A suitable filter is first used to remove all the sharp power spectrum peaks or the nois