
来源 :中国经济景气月报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superheron
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每年三月,中国的“两会”季节,媒体上有关中国经济的内容会较往常多出许多。今年三月,适逢政府换届,媒体对中国经济走势的关注胜过往年。可以发现,在今年三月的媒体上,“信念”和“增长”出现的频率特别高。这其中,有新一届政府的誓言:“保持经济持续较快增长,同时不断提高人民生活水平。”也有民众的声音:“中国正处在一个难得的有利发展时机,我们对新一届政府寄予厚望。”无论总理的誓言,还是民众的声音,都凝聚着国人对继往开来、持续增长、全面小康的期待和信念。最新的统计数据诠释了当前的中国经济,也进一步支撑着人们的信念:17.5%——工业生产提速。承继2002年以来的发展势头,今年前两个月,全国规模以上工业累计完成增加值5209亿元[参见表3.4.1],同比增长17.5%。这个速度高出去年同期增幅近7个百分点,也是近些年来少有的高增长。与此同时,经济效益 In March of each year, China’s “two sessions ” season, the media on the Chinese economy will be much more than usual. In March of this year, coinciding with the change of government, the media have paid more attention to the trend of the Chinese economy than in previous years. It can be found that the frequencies of “Faith” and “Growth” are particularly high in the media in March this year. Among these, there is the vow of the new government: “To maintain sustained and rapid economic growth while continuously improving people’s living standards.” There are also voices of the people: “China is at a rare opportunity of favorable development and we are committed to new One government has high hopes. ”“ Both the vow of the prime minister and the voice of the public all embody the expectation and conviction of the Chinese people that they are continuing to grow and achieve an overall well-to-do society. ” The latest statistics explain the current Chinese economy and further support people’s beliefs: 17.5% - Industrial production accelerates. Following the momentum of development since 2002, in the first two months of this year, the accumulated value added of large-scale industrial enterprises above designated size reached 520.9 billion yuan [see Table 3.4.1], an increase of 17.5% over the same period of last year. This rate is almost 7 percentage points higher than the same period last year, which is also a rare high growth in recent years. At the same time, economic benefits
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