Transport Documents and Electronic Transport Records under the Rotterdam Rules

来源 :海大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshixi2009
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The Rotterdam Rules have abandoned the traditional categorisation of transport documents(such as bills of lading,sea waybills,etc.) and adopted a more general form of terminology which is intended to allow greater flexibility and to facilitate the development and regulation of other forms of documents in due course,and to provide a form of regulation for electronic forms of transport documents.This article comments on the scope of these new provisions and on the possible impact that they may have on current trading and carriage operations by making a comparison between these provisions and those of existing regimes such as the Hague,Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules. The Rotterdam Rules have abandoned the traditional categorization of transport documents (such as bills of lading, sea waybills, etc.) And adopted a more general form of terminology which is intended to allow greater flexibility and to facilitate the development and regulation of other forms of documents in due course, and to provide a form of and regulation for electronic forms of transport documents.This article comments on the scope of these new provisions and on the possible possible that they may have on current trading and carriage operations by making a comparison between these provisions and those of existing regimes such as the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules.
This paper analyses the scope of application of the Rotterdam Rules from the points of Geographical scope,combined transport,various kinds of applicable contrac
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