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增强精品意识 刚刚举行的福建新闻奖评选正逢第十届。一份报刊精品多了,自然就得到更多读者的认可,其影响面自然更广,身价自然更高。由于许多精品的支撑,形成了报刊的品牌,构成了媒体的核心竞争力。打造精品,也是新闻界实践“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现。一些报刊发行难,其中一个原因就是内容生硬、枯燥,生动、鲜活的东西太少,文章八股化,表现程式化,报纸趋同化,吸引力、感染力不够强,老百姓不爱看。因此,不断增强新闻宣传的精品意识是提高舆论引导水平的需要,是巩固拓展党的宣传舆论阵地的需要,是做大做强党的传媒产业的需要,也是新时期新任务对新闻工作者提出的新要求。 Enhance the sense of quality Just held Fujian News Awards selection coincides with the tenth. A more newspaper quality, naturally, more readers will be recognized, the impact of natural broader, more natural worth. Due to the support of many fine products, the newspaper brand has formed and formed the core competitiveness of the media. Creating quality products is also a concrete embodiment of the media’s practice of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents.’ One of the reasons why some newspapers and magazines are difficult to distribute is that the contents are too rigid, boring, vivid and too few to be lively. The articles are written in the form of stereotyped writing, stylized newspapers, convergent newspapers, attractive and contagious, and the common people do not like to see them. Therefore, continuously increasing the awareness of mass production of news propaganda is the need to raise the guidance level of public opinion, the need to consolidate the propaganda and public opinion positions of the party, the need to enlarge and strengthen the party’s media industry, and the new tasks the journalists propose in the new period New requirement
最近,中央各大媒体以饱满的热情、宏大的声势,连续报道了青岛港集团明港公司桥吊队队长许振超同志的先进事迹。各媒体从报道内容、形式、方法上都有所创新。 4月29日,中宣部
许振超先进事迹的报道,是一个时期 以来在中宣部指导下一次最成功的典型报道。这次典型宣传在内容、形式、方法等方面的改进和创新,将对各个媒体以及众多的编辑记者在新闻宣
一、新闻频道浓墨重彩宣传报道。 按中宣部的要求,从4月11日起,中央电视台新闻频道打破常规,创新思路,将新闻与专栏节目相结合,多角度、多层面地宣传报道许振超,在电视荧屏
一、编委会高度重视,一改过去典型报道由某个部门单独完成的作法,举编辑部之力进行宣传报道,为许振超报道的成功提供了有力的组织保证和制度保证。 First, the editorial b
与所有的报道门类一样,改革开放以来,我国的体育报道也经历了一个飞速发展的过程。20多年间,我国体育报道的形式、数量、领域甚至职能都有了巨大的扩张和变化。 As with al
一、宣传形式有大的突破与创新。 首次开辟典型人物直播宣传日,全天直播,规模空前;成功进行全方位、多角度、立体化的典型报道,各档节目内容各有侧重,角度形式各异,新闻专稿