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8月26日上午,由省委老干部局与太原市委老干部局、中共太原支部旧址纪念馆共同举办“省城离退休干部纪念抗战胜利70周年歌曲演唱会”。此次演唱活动是全省老干部纪念抗战胜利70周年系列活动之一。演唱会以“铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来”为主题,旨在通过文艺演出的形式,铭记历史,缅怀先烈,弘扬抗战精神,进一步凝聚和发挥广大离退休干部的正能量,为我省全面建成小康社会作出新的贡献。来自省城的11支老干部合唱团队先后演唱了《在太行山上》等20余首抗战歌曲。省委老干部局和太原市委老干部局机关干部、太原市离退休干部及演职人员800余人参加了演唱活动。 On the morning of August 26, the provincial veteran bureau and Taiyuan Municipal Veteran Bureau, the CPC Taiyuan branch site memorial site jointly organized “provincial retired cadres to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the song concert.” The concert is one of a series of activities commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the war in the province by veteran cadres in the province. With the theme of “bearing in mind the history, cherishing the martyrs, cherishing the peace and opening up the future,” the concert aims to express the positive energy of the vast number of retired cadres in the form of theatrical performances, remembering history, cherishing the memory of martyrs, carrying forward the spirit of the war of resistance, , Make a new contribution for our province to build a well-off society in an all-round way. From the provincial capital 11 old cadres choir team has sung “in the Taihang Mountains” and so on more than 20 anti-Japanese songs. More than 800 people from the veteran cadres bureau of the provincial party committee and cadres of Taiyuan Municipal Veteran Bureau, retired cadres from Taiyuan City and cast members attended the singing activities.
近年来在直接冷却(DC)铸造方面进行了大量的研究工作。对铸锭质量要求的提高促进了这一工作的开展,另外由于使用热剪、产品 In recent years, a great deal of research wo
本文就英语习语语义的整体性、比喻性、不合逻辑性、不可反义类比与近义类比、语义思维的深刻性等几个特点进行了探讨分析 In this paper, we discuss the characteristics