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我省京津风沙源治理工程区的退耕还林工程今年起在张家口、承德两市全面实施,退耕造林和匹配荒山造林总任务由原来的20万亩猛增至340万亩,同时还有“再造三个塞罕坝林场”项目造林任务24万亩,且补植补造任务很重。经过春、雨两季造林,退耕地造林进入收尾阶段,匹配荒山成为秋季造林主战场。省局治沙办就确定以督导为突破口,以工程组织、种苗、栽植、抗旱技术应用等环节为关键,以退耕还林工程为重点,先后进行了三次有目的的督导。督导组每到一处,采用座谈汇报与现场检查相结合的方式,首先摸清工程建设总体情况。根据发现的问题,进行有针对性的研究,并采取切实可行的办法予以解决。一是针对个别县(场)行政主管领导重视不足和有等靠思想的情况,督导组讲形势、细算帐,转变主管行政领导认识,强调政府是责任人,分析 Since the beginning of this year, the project of returning farmland to forestry in the sandstorm source control project area of ​​Beijing and Tianjin has been fully implemented in Zhangjiakou and Chengde cities. The total task of returning farmland to afforestation and matching afforested barren hills soared from 340,000 mu to 200,000 mu, “Reconstruction of three Saihanba Forest Farm” project 240,000 mu of afforestation tasks, and planting a heavy task. After spring and rain afforestation, reforesting afforestation entered the final stage, matching barren hills become the main battlefield of afforestation in autumn. Provincial Bureau of Desert Control to determine the supervision of a breakthrough, to engineering organizations, seedlings, planting, drought and other aspects of technology as the key to the project of returning farmland to forest as the focus, has conducted three purposeful supervision. Each steering group to adopt a combination of forum reports and on-site inspection approach, first find out the general situation of construction. According to the problems found, conduct targeted research and take practical measures to solve them. First, for individual county (field) executive leaders lack of attention and have to rely on the thinking of the situation, the steering group talk about the situation, subsided accounts, change the understanding of executive leadership, emphasizing the government is responsible, analysis
2007年6月,一纸调令将44岁工学博士杨冠军的人生坐标从西安搬到商洛,科研、管理工作出身的他从此步入政坛,开始了人生新的征程。迄今为止,已整整一年。“每一天都充满挑战,也充满机遇。”面对记者提问,敦厚、达观的杨冠军这样概括自己一年来的履新心得。  做市长一定首先要适应政府的程序,这点很重要。在此之外,杨冠军自己加了一条,做市长一定要保持学者严谨的作风,一定要有自己的特点。并且要海纳百川,当然也必
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