Driving on Roads

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On August 18, 2004, we took the motor vehicle belonging to Dorje and carried out a series of interviews in the Nyingchi area. Mobile Inspection Station Leaving Lhasa, we drove along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. Before long, we came across workers belonging to the No.17 sub-team of the 14th road maintenance team, which was in charge of a 10 km section of road. A man named Purbo Cering greeted us, while a small girl played nearby on a piece of cloth. We asked Zholma, the girl’s mother: Today is not the weekend, so why does On August 18, 2004, we took the motor vehicle belonging to Dorje and carried out a series of interviews in the Nyingchi area. Mobile Inspection Station Leaving Lhasa, we drove along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. Before long, we came across workers belonging to the No.17 sub-team of the 14th road maintenance team, which was in charge of a 10 km section of road. A man named Purbo Cering greeted us, while a small girl played nearby on a piece of cloth. We asked Zholma, the girl’s mother: Today is not the weekend, so why does
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