Macrophage Colonization of the Brain from Macrophage to Microglia

来源 :第三届全国斑马鱼研究大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lurnay
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  Microglia are resident macrophages in the brain.Recent studies have suggested that in addition to their actions as scavengers to remove infectious agents,damaged cells and plaques,microglia may participate in many physiological processes in the developing and adult CNS,including the regulation of synaptic function and neuronal activity.However,the cellular and molecular basis underlying the homing and survival of microglia in the brain remain largely undefined.Here,by using in vivo live time-lapse imaging technique,we showed that peripheral macrophages entered the developing brain via the lateral side of the optic tectum.Interestingly,the microglia colonization of the brain appeared to be triggered by the signals such as ATP released by apoptotic neurons in the brain.Our study indicates that the colonization of microglia of the developing brain is guided by specific molecules released by apoptotic neurons.
4.两脚分开站立,两臂下垂。简后,上体前屈,两手同时触右脚尖,头触右膝部(图7),再两手触左脚尖,头触左膝部,做时两腿不得弯曲。反复运动。 Stand separately from your feet
  Cell adhesion and migration are key cell behaviors during gastrulation,and plays a crucial role in shaping the body plan in vertebrates.Collagen triple heli
  Demyelinating diseases include multiple sclerosis,which is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by oligodendrocyte immune attacks,resulting in myelin s