Security Mechanisms of Wired Equivalent Privacy and Wi-Fi Protected Access in WLAN:Review and Analys

来源 :Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scg5252
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An analysis of WLAN security mechanisms of wired equivalent privacy(WEP) and Wi-Fi protected access(WPA) discovers that the current literature is not totally creditable in its judgment on the security value of WEP and WPA.Based on the respective performances of WEP and WPA under certain typical attacks,this paper substantiates the judgment that WEP has quite a few vulnerabilities concerning confidentiality and integrity,but at the same time challenges the judgment on WPA with that WPA is robust enough to confront potential typical attacks and is not so unreliable as the current literature believes,although it has some vulnerabilities in its message integrity code(MIC). An analysis of WLAN security mechanisms of wired equivalent privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) discovers that the current literature is not totally creditable in its judgment on the security value of WEP and WPA. Based on the respective performances of WEP and WPA under certain typical attacks, this paper substantiates the judgment that WEP has quite a few vulnerabilities concerning confidentiality and integrity, but at the same time challenges the judgment on WPA with that WPA is robust enough to confront potential typical attacks and is not so unreliable as the current literature believes, although it has some vulnerabilities in its message integrity code (MIC).
一、猛虎扑食 双方对搏,对手突发右高鞭腿猛踢我头部,我左屈肘向外拱挡来腿,同时上右步左转腰蹲变成马步,出右掌,直臂猛推其心窝,重伤对手(如图1、2)。 要点;防腿、上步、推
2007年香港发展步伐加快,经济增长迅速。随着私人消费和投资金额持续增加,本地需求仍占主导,与此同时,包括来自中东和东南亚的海外人士也在香港寻求投资机会。 In 2007, Hon