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川西北草原,在四川省西北的阿坝藏族羌族自治州境内,距省会成都500余公里。它东靠岷山,西连青藏高原,与甘肃、青海毗邻。总面积3万多平方公里。地理学上称它为“松潘草地”。它平均海拔3500米,与“世界屋脊”青藏高原的草地是一个类型。 在川西北草原最美的季节,我们一行数人从成都乘车,经汶川、理县翻越海拔5000米的鹧鸪山,汽车一直在峭壁耸峙的峡谷中穿行。车过刷经寺,顿觉草原辽阔起来,蓝天白云,眼界大开。当汽车开到龙曰坝查真梁子顶上时,同行的刷经寺派出所民警夺尔西对我说:“我们现在立脚的地方,正是阿坝州黄河水系和长江水系的分水岭。如果在这里倾倒一盆水,一部分要流入长江,另一部分却流入黄河了。” 经他这一提醒,我仔细地观察了一番这里的地形,原来那波涛汹涌经马尔康,汇入万里长江的梭磨河,在这里只是一股涓涓细流;而向北的那股细流,则是黄河的重要支流白河(嘎曲〕的一脉。这一脉在此地虽小,但当它流到索格藏寺注入黄河口处,河身却比那里的黄河干流还要宽。我打开地图察看,黄河自青海发源后,作为四川、甘肃和 The grassland northwest of Sichuan Province is in the territory of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in the northwest of Sichuan Province, 500 kilometers away from the provincial capital Chengdu. It is east of Minshan, west of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, adjacent to Gansu and Qinghai. The total area of ​​more than 30,000 square kilometers. Geography called “Songpan grassland.” It has an average elevation of 3,500 meters, with “roof of the world” grassland of the Tibetan Plateau is a type. In the most beautiful season in northwestern Sichuan grassland, a group of several people, who travel from Chengdu via Wenchuan and Li County, climb over 5,000 meters above sea level in the Partridge Mountains. The cars have been walking through the crevasse-shaped canyons. After passing the brush through the temple, prairie grassland sky up, blue sky and white clouds, horizons wide open. When the car drove to the dam on the dragon dam Zhenzhaizi on the top, accompanied by the brush by the police station police station West Er said to me: “The place where we stand now, it is Aba Yellow River water system and the watershed of the Yangtze River .If here Dumping a pot of water, some to flow into the Yangtze River, the other part into the Yellow River. ”After his reminder, I carefully observed some of the topography here, the original rough that Malcon, into the Yangtze River Fuso River, Here is only a trickle; and that trickle to the north, it is the Yellow River an important tributary of the Shirakawa (Ga song) of a pulse .This vein is small here, but when it flows to Sogg Tibetan Temple Into the mouth of the Yellow River, the river body than the Yellow River there is even wider.I opened the map to see the origin of the Yellow River since Qinghai, as Sichuan, Gansu and
本文阐述了我国文献工作国家标准“图书在版编目数据”制定的现实意义和工作进展概况。同时介绍了该项标准稿的内容、著录项目、格式以及我国今后实施方案的设想。 This art
这个冬天阴湿寒冷,幸有满山遍野 的油菜黄花把贵州灰暗的山河点 亮。从黔南到黔西南,最令人兴奋的是发现屯堡,说发现,是因为我一路问当地人知道屯堡吗?都说不晓得,没听说。原来当地
介绍了我国目前滑坡地质灾害现状,简要分析了其产生和发展的原因,进而归纳总结了土质滑坡稳定分析方法中极限平衡法的发展过程及成果。 This paper introduces the current