问鼎京城 情深茶浓 全国重点茶市——京鼎降茶叶批发市场

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京鼎隆茶叶批发市场是在福鼎市人民政府和宣武区人民政府大力支持下,由我国著名产茶区福建福鼎厂商联合开办的集产、供、销于一体的茶叶专业批发市场,是商家自己真正独立经营场所,是马连道京城茶叶第一街的重要组成部分。福鼎地处风景秀丽的国家级旅游胜地太姥山下,气候与土壤适宜茶树的生长。山清水秀,常年云雾萦绕,满山的茶树郁郁苍苍,承天然甘露,优良的绿色生态环境,孕育了福鼎“大白毫、大毫茶”及精致加工而成的特种工艺茶,驰名中外。现有万余亩茶园, 实行无公害,无污染管理,定时送检测,确保 Beijing Ding Long tea wholesale market in Fuding City People’s Government and Xuanwu District People’s Government with the strong support of the well-known tea-producing areas in Fujian Fuding manufacturers jointly set production, supply and sales in one of the tea wholesale market, is Merchants own real independent business premises, is the Maliaodao tea first street an important part. Fuding is located in the scenic national tourist destination Taimushan, climate and soil suitable for the growth of tea trees. Beautiful, perennial clouds lingering, mountainous tea tree dark, natural dew, excellent green environment, gave birth to Fuding “big white mill, big mill tea ” and refined processing of special technology from tea, known at home and abroad. The existing 10,000 acres of tea plantations, the implementation of pollution-free, pollution-free management, regular testing, to ensure
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