Lucky Us

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  “Things are not going so well lately. I just had my second prelim①. I did not go well. I am so upset! I thought I was doing great but I just choked② during the exam. What should I do?! I messed up!”
  This sentence might well be a line of my chat with my parents. After I come to Cornell University,my parents and I have been videochatting③ regularly(about once or twice every week). We leave each other a message if either of us is not online. I occasionally complain about the weather,my workload and grades,my social④ during our chat,and my parents,just as any other caring⑤ parents,will get worried and try to come up with one hundred ways of solving the problems. But because we meet each other so often,they start to understand that most of my complaints and troubles are temporary and are under my control.
  However,imagine this was a part of a PAPER letter that I sent to my parents. Imagine I was a girl who went abroad to Cornell University in Ithaca,NY,the US for college twenty years ago. Two months later,I might receive a stressedout⑥ letter about how to build selfconfidence after a bad prelim, how to concentrate on studies, how to learn the specific⑦ subject,how to relax and so on. I believe they would also stress⑧ how much they love me no matter what results I got. After reading the letter,however,I guess I would be like:
  “What prelim?I did not do badly on the last prelim that happened two days ago!What are they worrying about?!”
  Here,I just want to stress how grateful I am to the advanced technologies that connect the world together. The electronic inventions that bring my instant change of expression to my parents and bring the look of their pajamas⑨ through the ocean remind me that the love within home can conquer⑩ distances and I am never alone. I just cannot imagine how my life would be like if I could only see my parents on photos that I brought from China.
  How lucky we are these days!
  (By Kaiwen Zhong on Sept.3, 2012 in Ithaca, NY)
  ① prelim n. 预备考试(通常指期末考试前的小考、月考或段考)
  ② choke vt. & vi. 填塞,(使)窒息,(使)说不出话来
  ③ videochat vi. 视频聊天
  ④ social n. 社交活动,联欢会,交谊会(在该句中作名词)
  ⑤ caring adj. 表示或感到关怀或关心的
  ⑥ stressedout adj. 因心理紧张而被压垮的
  ⑦ specific adj. 具体的,特有的,特定的,明确的,确切的,详尽的
  ⑧ stress vt. 强调,重读 n. 压力, 紧张,强调, 重要性
  ⑨ pajamas n. 睡衣裤
  ⑩ conquer vt. 攻克,征服,破除,克服
低血钙引起四肢麻木、搐搦者常见,引起失语者未见报导,1982年我们收治2例。报导如下,供同道们参考。例1 女,70岁,农民。因四肢麻木痉挛2小时,失语1小时于1982年2月1日入院。