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久石让是日本著名音乐人、作曲家。1905年,久石让出生在日本的一个小县城里,5岁的时候就跟随着日本著名的小提琴家、音乐家、世界著名的铃木教学法的创始人铃木镇一学习小提琴,可能是音乐合适的年龄接触到了合适的东西,音乐让这个只有5岁的小男孩一下子成名了,久石让在音乐上颇有见解,在对音乐的领悟能力上也极强,因此,在早年的时候就有幸在日本的音乐学院修习作曲。经过很刻苦的学习,久石让渐渐地也成为了音乐家,如今,他也成为音乐 Hisaishi is a famous Japanese musician and composer. In 1905, Hisaishi was born in a small town in Japan, and when he was 5, he studied violin with the famous Japanese violinist, musician and founder of the world famous Suzuki Pedagogy. It may be music appropriate Age approached the right thing, the music made this little boy only 5 years old suddenly became famous, Hisaishi made a lot of insight in music, the ability to comprehend the music is also very strong, so in the early fortunate in the fortunate Japanese Conservatory of Music practice composition. After a very hard study, Hisaishi gradually become a musician, and now he also become music
提起美国梦工厂的元老级动画师Raman Hui,知道他的人会点点头:“哦,他就是奥斯卡获奖动画片《怪物史莱克》的动画总监,在Dream Works做了快三十年,主力军来的。”  而在Raman Hui背后,这个闯荡好莱坞二十多年的动画师,还有一个中文名字:许诚毅。他出生在香港,跟香港著名导演陈可辛还是幼儿园同学。陈可辛的爸爸当年已经是导演,经常带着他们逛街吃东西,70年代香港风月片兴盛的时候,两人
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