《魏县新“名片”》专题报道之一 邵村:由乱到兴

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魏县是河北省第一人口大县,也是国家级贫困县,曾发生过惊动中央领导、震惊全国的假药案和“邵村事件”。长期以来,“大、穷、乱”成了魏县的“名片”。2008年下半年以来,魏县县委、县政府领导班子励精图治,攻艰克难,通过实施“梨乡水城”建设,抓短板治理。改过去抓先进、表彰典型为一把手带头解决难题。同时,县委书记利用手机短信搭建重大举措干群交流新平台。于是,魏县的面貌发生了天翻地覆的变化。2010年全省经济发展考核,魏县晋升20个位次,成为上升速度最快的县,一批有特色经济的乡镇迅速成长,具备了规模效应。全国因“乱”闻名的邵村由分到合、由乱到治,上访大县实现了零上访。一个欣欣向荣、生气勃勃的新魏县崛起于冀南大地。 Wei County is the first large population county in Hebei Province, is also a national-level poverty-stricken counties, there have been aroused the central leadership, shocking the country’s fake drug case and “Shaocun incident ”. For a long time, “big, poor, chaos ” became Wei County “business card ”. Since the second half of 2008, Wei County county Party committee and county government leadership team make every effort to overcome difficulties, through the implementation of “Pear Township Water City ” construction, grasp the short board governance. Change the past grasping advanced, commendable typical as a leader to solve the problem. At the same time, county party secretaries use mobile messaging to build a major initiative in the new platform for the exchange of cadres and the masses. As a result, Wei County, the face of the earth-shaking changes. In 2010, the province’s economic development assessment, Wei County was promoted to 20 positions, becoming the fastest rising counties, a group of towns with the characteristics of the rapid economic growth, with the scale effect. Shao Cun, well-known throughout the country for “chaos,” went from zero to unity and went from chaos to rule. A thriving, vibrant Xin Wei County rise in the earth in southern Hebei.
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