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青少年正处于思想逐步成型的基础教育时期,他们心理多变,情绪不稳定,思想活跃,因此,做好学校德育工作,是促进青少年成长教育的重要组成部分。一、坚持德育为首,以人为本,优化育人环境(一)教师在教学实践中做到“为人师表”。1、做到既教书又育人。教师在教学工作中,要全面贯彻党的教育方针,切实做到寓思想教育于教学和各项活动中。要用马克思主义的科学世界观和人生观去教育学生,树立远大的理 Adolescents are in the period of basic education that is gradually taking shape. They are constantly changing in mood, emotionally unstable and active in thinking. Therefore, doing a good job of moral education in schools is an important part of advancing education for adolescents. First, adhere to moral education led, people-oriented, optimize the education environment (A) teachers in teaching practice to do 1, both to teach and educate people. Teachers in the teaching work, we must fully implement the party’s education policy, and ideally achieve ideological education in teaching and activities. We should use Marxist scientific world outlook and outlook on life to educate the students and establish a lofty principle
品牌是企业的生命,成功打造品牌,可以使企业获利,股东获利,消费者受益,而如何提升品牌的价值,更成为老总们关注的话题。 Brand is the life of an enterprise. Successfully
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