自力更生 艰苦奋斗 增收节支 确保实现全年预算平衡——田凤山省长在全省财政工作紧急会议上的讲话

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同志们:在抗洪抢险取得全面胜利之后,全省上下全力以赴抗灾自救的关键时刻,我们召开这次财政工作紧急会议,主要任务是:对受灾严重和财政特困县予以财力补助,共渡难关;动员全省上下打硬仗补欠账,积极做好后3个月的增收节支工作,确保实现全年预算平衡。今年入汛以来,我省松嫩两江发生了超百年一遇的特大洪水。全省人民在党中央和国务院的正确领导下,在省委、省政府的直接指挥下,在人民解放军、武警部队和全国人民的 Comrades: At the crucial juncture of the entire province going all out to fight the typhoon and self-help after the overall victory in flood fighting and rescue, we held this emergency meeting for financial work with the main tasks of providing financial assistance to those seriously affected and financially destitute counties to tide over the difficulties; Mobilize the whole province up and down to fight hard debts repay accounts, and actively do a good job after three months of income and expenditure savings to ensure that the full year budget balance. Since the beginning of the flood season this year, there have been extraordinary floods in the past 100 years in Songnen and Ninjiang provinces. Under the correct leadership of the party Central Committee and the State Council, the people of the province, under the direct command of the provincial party committee and government and people’s liberation army, armed police forces and people across the country
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“我们拆毁了墙壁和天花板,以区分创造和商业、想象和现实、网站和商店、橱窗和仓库、产品和原型、人群和品牌、视觉和触觉、欲望和拥有。”Roderick Vos工作室的网站上写着
Chopin continues to exert a strong influence upon young piano learners in China Located along the West Third Ring Road of Beijing, the piano school of the Jiang
三都县国税局鼓励税务干部通过自学、函授、脫产等方式学习,不断提高文化素质,取得较好的效果。 1994年10月,三都县国税局共有税务干部53人,其中大专学历3人,中专学历10人。
各设区市人民政府,有关县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门: 经省政府同意,现就农村税费改革试点地区调整农业特产税政策的有关事项作如下通知:一、调整合并农业特产税征收环节。
各设区市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门:《河北省政府采购管理暂行办法》已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 People’s governments of all dist
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来到香港,实实在在纳了一次税之后,感受完全不一样,政府部门的认真负责、依法办事和效率,给我留下深刻印象。 据说,在法治社会里,有纳税记录,是件很光荣的好事。有纳税记录对