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首先说一说今年高考作文试题。 今年高考作文的题型与1990年的相比,同中有异。相同之处在于:都是供料作文,都要求根据材料写一个记述性片断和写一篇议论文。1990年高考作文所提供的材料是一对孪生姐妹在评说玫瑰的花与刺时与母亲的对话,答题要求“一料三作”,即:第一,填写两句表现小姑娘表情或动作的描述性文字;第二,展开想象,为这对小姑娘作肖像描写;第三,就第一个小姑娘的说法,自选角度,联系生活实际,写一篇论文。今年高考作文所提供的材料是一则寓言诗《鸟的评说》,其内容是:“麻雀说燕子/是怕冷的懦夫/燕子说黄鹂/徒有一身美丽的装束/黄鹂说百灵/声音悦耳动机不纯/百灵说最无原则的/要算那鹦鹉/鹦鹉说 First of all, talk about this year’s college entrance examination essay questions. The composition of this year’s college entrance examination composition is different from that of 1990. The same thing is that all of them are material writing compositions, and they all require writing a descriptive piece and writing an argument based on the material. The material provided by the 1990 college entrance examination essay was a dialogue between a pair of twin sisters and their mothers when they commented on the flowers and thorns of the rose. The answer asked “one for three things”, namely: first, fill in two expressions of expression or action of the little girl. Descriptive text; second, expand the imagination and make portraits for the little girl; third, write a dissertation on the first little girl’s argument, self-selection, and contact with real life. The material provided for this year’s college entrance examination composition is a fable poem, “Bird’s Commentary,” which reads: "The sparrow says swallows are afraid of the cold. The widowers/swallows say that Huang Wei/Juan has a beautiful costume. Huang Xie says Braun/Voice is sweet. Improper motivation / Braun said the most unprincipled / to calculate the parrot / parrot said
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