A Seaside Adventure 一场海边冒险

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  It was a beautiful sunny day and Jack Mouse was eating a thick slice1 of home-made toast with his very favourite jam. He sat at his front door and could feel the warmth of the sun.
  Tap Tap Tap, he heard on the bottom of his door. It was Harry Hedgehog.
  “I have just been to see our other friends and have asked them if they want to go to the beach,” Harry said. “It’s the last very nice day that we will have this summer, so best to make the most of it,” he continued. “Did you want?” Harry asked Jack.
  Jack thought there were lots of chores2 that he needed to do but he would not disappoint3 Harry and the others.
  At that time, all of his other friends appeared at his front door. There was Hammy Hamster, Molly Mole, Sid Squirrel and Freddy Frog. Also, Oli Owl was now on top of the door.
  All of the other animals, except for Oli, had sunglasses on, and each had a bag with drinks and food.
  “It would be best if we went to Shell Island Beach,” said Molly. “It is the nicest beach.” “Isn’t a bit too far to walk,” said Jack, “especially on such a hot day like today and with all these bags? ”
  “Oh, I suppose4 you Jack is right,” replied Molly, looking disappointed.
  “I have an idea,” said Hammy. “We could ask Donald Donkey if he would like to come. I know where we can get some carrots for him to eat to give him energy for the journey.”
  Everybody thought that would be a great idea. They all know that Donald is a bit moody5 sometimes, but he will be better if he could eat some carrots.
  They told Donald Shell Island Beach would be a great place and they would have lots of fun. “Are there any carrots there?” asked Donald Donkey. “Oh yes,” said Sid, “there are some under the shells on the beach.” Sid knew he should not tell lies, but he also knew that if Donald knew that they had carrots in their bags then he would ask for them now and then not feel like doing anything afterwards.   它们告诉唐纳德贝壳岛海滩是一个漂亮的地方,大家会玩得很高兴。“那里有胡萝卜吗?”唐纳德问道。“当然了,”希德说,“海滩上贝壳下面会有的。”希德知道它不应该撒谎,但它也知道,如果唐纳德知道它们背包里有胡萝卜,那它现在就会找它们要,然后不想做任何事情。
  “Yum carrots.” said Donald. “OK, I will go.” Donald lay down in the grass, told everyone to climb onto his back and then he got up.
  When they arrived at the beach, Donald walked around a bit until they had chosen a nice place near a sand dune6.
  Molly and Harry started to lay out a picnic blanket while their other friends ran. Jack dipped his toes into the sea just as a wave went out. “Ouuuuuu, that’s a bit cold,” he said. Freddy said that he did not like salty sea water as it made him itch7. Donald walked slowly along the shore to cool himself down and then he sat in the water. Just then, a large wave came in and he was not fast enough to get up and was knocked over. He quickly got up and then ran onto the dry sand.
  Jack almost got caught by a wave but luckily Oli swooped down in time and lifted him out of the water and onto the dry beach. “Thank you,” said Jack to Oli. “No problem,” said Oli.
  “Anybody hungry?” Molly shouted. She had put all of the food and drinks on the blanket. There was bread, cheeses, insects, grain, milk, and water. Jack had also brought some of his home-made cake and biscuits.
  Donald remembered the promise of carrots. “Sid,” said Donald, “where are the carrots would be?” When nobody was looking, Sid had put some carrots in the sand and had placed large sea shells on top of them. “They may be under sea shells,” said Sid. “See if you can find them.”
  Donald took a few shells with his hoof and found some carrots. He was amazed that carrots grew under shells as he had never heard that before.
  “Let’s play a new game,” said Freddy. “Let’s see who can jump the highest.” “No,” they all said. “You always win,” said Harry.
  “I know,” said Molly. “Let’s see who can find the most interesting thing on the beach.” All agreed that is a great idea.   “我知道了。”莫莉說:“我们一起到沙滩上找找有趣的东西吧。”所有人都觉得这是一个好主意。
  Donald thought carrots would be an interesting find and so he started to look shells on the beach. Jack found a nice shell which, when he held it to his ear, he could hear the sound of waves. Harry found a nice piece of seaweed8 with large round brown bubbles9 if he sat on it. Molly found a round and smooth stone, which she thought she would bring it home to remind her of the beach later. Oli found a nice feather10 from a seagull11 which she would bring home for her nest.
  Sid climbed a sand dune. As he came over the top, he could not believe his eyes. There in front of him was a giant sea shell with a top and a bottom. He had never seen a shell so big before.
  After a while, all of the animals returned to the picnic area to see what each other had found. However, there was no sign of Sid. They all decided that they better look for him and Donald Donkey lay down to let them climb on his back. Donald walked up and down the beach and then started to climb the sand dunes. “Stop,” said Jack, “I can hear Sid’s shouting.” Jack had very good hearing due to his large ears. “In that direction,” he said, pointing in the direction of one of the sand dunes.
  Donald climbed the sand dune with the others. When he got to the top of the dune, they all saw the very big sea shell. “Wow,” said Harry, “I’ve never seen a shell that size.” And the others agreed. They could see that the shell had a top and a bottom but it was closed.
  “Are you in there?” said Jack, knocking on the shell. “Yes,” said Sid, “I closed the lid to see if I could fit inside and now cannot get the lid open again, please help to get me out.”
  One by one, the animals tried to open the lid of the shell but it was jammed shut. “I can’t get this lid open,” said Jack. “It’s jammed shut.” Just then, he had an idea and whispered something in Donald’s ear. Donald got up very quickly and hit the big shell with his hoof. The shell lid flew open and Sid jumped out just in case it closed again. “What did you whisper into Donald’s ear?” asked Molly. “I told Donald that a giant shell may have a giant carrot under it,” laughed Jack.   动物们一个接一个地试图打开贝壳的盖子,但贝壳卡住了。“我打不开這个盖子,”杰克说,“它被卡住了。”就在这时,它想到一个办法,在唐纳德的耳边低声说了些什么。唐纳德很快起身用蹄子踢了踢大贝壳。壳盖打开了,希德跳了出来以防它再次关闭。“你在唐纳德的耳边说了什么?”莫莉问道。“我告诉唐纳德,这个巨大的贝壳下面可能有一个巨大的胡萝卜,”杰克笑道。
  Sid took a carrot out of his bag and gave it to Donald to thank him for freeing him from the giant shell.
  It was getting late and they had better go home before it got dark. They packed up their blanket and picnic leftovers and put them into their bags. Donald let them all climb onto his back and ready on their way home.
  However, Donald came to a halt. “What’s up Donald?” asked Sid. “Nothing, a bit hungry,” said Donald. “So what can we do to make you move again?” asked Sid. “Have you got a carrot?” Donald asked. When Sid told him that he had only one remaining12 in his bag, Donald told him to tie it on the end of a stick and to dangle13 it in front of his nose.
  It was not long before they arrived back at Donald’s field. “Thanks you, Donald” they all shouted and waved goodbye to him. Sid gave Donald the last carrot.
  That night Donald had a lovely dream about a giant carrot hiding under a giant shell by the seashore14 and fell asleep with a big smile on his face.
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