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现今热播的古装电视剧普遍被赋予了娱乐性、消费性和现世性的特点,但是题材特定的历史背景决定了此类电视剧在展现生活方式和生活态度时必须以史实为参照,尽可能真实地、理性地呈现古代的生活场景。家具陈设是古装电视剧场景布置所必须的道具,是和剧情、人物相关联的物件,在剧中的作用不仅在于塑造环境,烘托气氛,设计精良的家具配置更能体现古代的生活方式,为剧情的表现增加深厚的文化艺术内涵,给观众带来视觉上真实感受,从而实现古装剧应有的高度审 Today’s popular drama series are generally given entertainment, consumer and the characteristics of the world, but the theme of the specific historical background of such drama in the show lifestyle and attitude must be based on historical facts, as real as possible , Rational display of ancient life scenes. Furnishings and costumes are the necessary props for the installation of costume drama scenes and are related to plots and characters. The role of the play in the drama is not only to create the environment and to express the atmosphere. The well-designed furniture configuration can better reflect the ancient lifestyles. Increase the deep cultural and artistic connotation, to bring the audience a true visual experience, so as to achieve the due diligence of costume drama
2003年1月9日,那媛习惯性地拿起电话,拨通那个熟悉的号码,电话那端响了许久,再也无人接听,那是她的恩师袁世海先生家的电话,一个月前,袁老已与世长辞了。 那媛默默地扣下电
姚明在NBA获得了巨大成功,就连一向不关注体育的我,也上网去查看全明星赛的最新结果。但看过千龙新闻网上的一篇报道后,我依然感觉十分惊讶。 这篇题为《“明王朝”告诉国人
The absorption of hydrogen was studied in metal hydride slurry, which is formed by benzene and hydrogen storage alloy powder. The influence of temperature on th
Surface Preparation is very important in adhesive b on ding of spray coatings to the surface of a work piece. The common practice is gr it-blasting of the surfa
1 概况凤凰峪水库位于河南省灵宝市黄河支流好阳河上,流域面积72km~3.据河南省水利厅地质勘探二队1959年9月编制的《灵宝县好阳河凤凰峪水库工程地质勘察报告》所述,该河道
王雷雷总是风风火火,他说他一直在创业。王雷雷也很自信,因为认真、刻苦和善于创新。是他使TOM如今可以和搜狐、新浪叫板。 Wang Lei Lei is always in full swing, he said