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中共中央、国务院1月10日上午在北京隆重举行国家科学技术奖励大会。李克强代表党中央、国务院在大会上讲话。李克强在讲话中指出,当前,我国正处于建设创新型国家的决定性阶段。面对世界科技革命和产业变革历史性交汇、抢占未来制高点的竞争日趋激烈的形势,面对国内资源环境约束加剧、要素成本上升、结构性矛盾日益突出的挑战,主要依靠要素投入驱动的传统增长模式已难以为继,过去在中低端产品上形成的竞争优势也在逐渐减弱,我国经济增长已进入从高速到中高速的“换挡期”。必须依靠科技创新,才能有力推动产业向价值链中高端跃进,提升经济的整体质量;才能更多培育面向全球的竞争新优势,使我国发展的空间更加广阔;才能有效克服资源环境制约,增强发展的可持续性。我国已到了必须更多依靠科 The CPC Central Committee and the State Council held a grand ceremony of national science and technology awards in Beijing on the morning of January 10. Li Keqiang, on behalf of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, addressed the conference. In his speech, Li Keqiang pointed out: At present, our country is at a decisive stage in building an innovative nation. In the face of an increasingly fierce competitive environment where the world's scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes have taken place in order to seize the highest ground in the future, the challenges of intensifying domestic constraints on resources and the environment, rising factor costs and increasingly structural contradictions have mainly come from the traditional growth driven by factor inputs The model has been unsustainable. In the past, the competitive advantages formed in the middle and low-end products are also gradually weakened. Our country's economic growth has entered the shift period from high-speed to medium-high speed. Only by relying on scientific and technological innovations can we vigorously promote the industry to leap forward in the value chain and enhance the overall quality of the economy. Only in this way can we foster more new competitive advantages for the world so that our space for development will become broader. Only in this way can we effectively overcome the constraints of resources and environment and enhance development Sustainability. Our country has come to rely more on the branches
桐桐奶奶这些日子总提不起精神,做饭也无精打采。奶奶怎么了?会不会生病了?退休前她可不是这样的! 一天,桐桐问爷爷,爷爷说:“你奶奶把‘睡眠’丢了!” Tong Tong grandmot
本文根据国内外工业测量系统的仪器和实践,详细介绍了无接触电子经纬仪工业测量系统的发展趋势和应用领域。 Based on the instruments and practices of industrial measur
我们的祖先一直讲究居地与自然的和谐,千家岸古民居就是活的例证。这个村坐落在宜章县长村乡长乐江岸边,离县城27公里,山青水 Our ancestors have always paid attention to
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