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背诵比赛,特殊、易行、紧张、愉悦。无论从心理学角度分析,还是从比赛的准备、行进、效果看,它有助于记忆,有助于兴趣,有助于意志,有助于效率。 (一)准备 背诵是多感官的作用,给他们设情置境,让他们多渠道地输入信息,可为背诵者创造最佳的精神状态。因而每每背诵比赛,我总着力布置公告栏——黑板。它的上方艺书大字:“×××(课题名)背诵比赛”,两边工写对联,如:“比谁背得快.看谁背得好”、“胸藏万汇凭吞吐,笔有千钧任歙张”、“言似出于吾之口,意似出于吾之心”。每次不同,旨在激情鼓劲。黑板中间,数十个编号,排列有序,1—10号用红色,旁画一只金苹果(意即最佳),这十位同学,便是本次大赛的‘背诵十佳”了。心理学研究表明:干扰是产生遗忘的重 Recite the game, special, easy, stressful and joyful. Whether from the perspective of psychology or from the preparation, progress, and effect of the game, it helps memory, helps interest, helps the will, and helps efficiency. (1) Preparation Recitation is the role of multi-sensory, providing them with affection, setting up conditions, and allowing them to input information through multiple channels, which can create the best mental state for reciters. Therefore, every time I reciting a game, I always focus on the layout of the bulletin board - blackboard. Above it, the art book characters: “×××(the name of the project) recites the game,” writing couplets on both sides, such as: “Who is faster than anyone else. See who is well backed up” “Thousands of people are arrogant”, “The words are from my mouth, and they are from my heart.” Each time it is different, it aims at passion and encouragement. In the middle of the blackboard, dozens of numbers are arranged in an orderly manner. Numbers 1 to 10 are colored in red, and a golden apple is drawn next to them (meaning is the best). These ten students are the ’Top Ten Most Wanted’ in this competition. Psychological research shows that interference is the weight of forgetting
一、导语设计 南朝有个文人叫徐陵,他写过一篇《武皇帝作相时与岭南酋豪书》,其中有这样几句话:“天涯面藐藐,地角悠悠,” First, the design of the Southern Song Dynasty has
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《序》一、导语设计“序”是书籍前面的介绍评叙性文字,又称“序言”“前言”“引言”等。是散文中的一种。同学们都知道,会看书的人拿到一本书时一定要先看“序” “Nature,
转化,是一个问题转化为另一个问题的思考方法。解答数学中的应用题,善于调整应用题中的条件关系和题型结构,可使问题化难为易,化繁为简。 一、应用题中的关系转化 列方程(组