Travel To Iveland In November

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  Iceland has always been my dream place, although I have never planned to visit it during the winter. But when I was searching for the cheapest flight from Europe to east Canada for November, Icelandair came with a great winter deal. One way ticket Munich—Reykjavík—Montreal for 400 USD. With a stopover in Iceland for up to seven nights at no additional airfare. I was thinking like six seconds and I booked my ticket with the stopover for seven nights.
  Before my trip some friends of mine looked at me like I was a bit crazy to travel to Iceland in winter, but now I know that it was the best decision I could have ever made. Let me tell you why.
  Even its name is Iceland and the latitude close to the Arctic Circle, winter in Iceland is not that cold. Thanks to the warm Gulf Stream, temperatures stay around 0°C.That’s similar to the ones in The New York City, London or Amsterdam, although in NYC the winter can be even much colder. So you should be just fine.
  I am good in low budget traveling, but planning my week traveling in Iceland was a big challenge. Even in winter the prices are still high. Fortunately in some cases they drop in half compared to the summer season. Especially renting the car (I paid 270 USD per week, but in the high season it would be 550 USD for the same car), booking the hostel (also up to 50 % discount if you bring your own sleeping bag, there are lots of places offering an extra discount) and some guide tours can save you a lot of money in the winter.
  Iceland in winter is heaven for me! I hate to travel to crowded places. I don’t like to share the waterfall view with hundreds of other people. It’s not that I am selfish, its just that I want to be alone in the nature.
  The advantage of traveling to Iceland in winter is also that hostels are very empty. If you book a dorm room for 12 people, very probably it will become your own private apartment. That is what happened to me.
  The time of the daylight in Iceland in winter is really short (around 4-5 hours) so you should plan your trip wisely. Great thing is the fact that during the daylight the sun is not rising very high above the horizon, it stays low for a long time creating beautiful soft golden light.
  Now, sit down and plan your winter Icelandic adventure.
  Reykjavík n. 雷克雅未克(冰島首都)
  stopover n. (飞行中的)中途停留
  latitude n. 纬度
  hostel n. 小旅馆
  (Have you also been to Iceland in winter? Or summer? Tell us about your experience!)
  Iris 改编
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