营造现代学校教育环境 建立全面素质教育基地

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随着经济建设的迅猛发展,教育改革的不断深化,现代学校从规模设施、教育教学到师资队伍、生源素质等都发生了很大的变化,充满了鲜明的时代特征。然而,受传统教育观念、管理机制、管理模式的影响,现代学校的教育教学环境,没有充分发挥出它应有的效果和作用,部分学校的硬件建设和软件管理相脱节,不能适应现代化教育发展的要求,制约了教育者和受教育者的潜能开发,个性发展和全面成才,影响到教育方针的贯彻执行和素质教育的全面实施。营造一个面向2l世纪的现代学校教育环境,全面实施素质教育,这是我们每一位教育工作者特别是教育管理工作者应认真思考,探索和实践的课题。近年来,我校注重硬件建设和软件管理的同步发展,注重营造良好的现代学校教育环境,使学校的面貌发生了很大的变化,教育教学质量全面提高,社会声誉不断上升,学生的综合素质和个性特长得到了和谐发展,现已成为省示范性、省重点职业高中。 With the rapid economic development and the deepening of education reform, modern schools have undergone great changes from the scale of facilities, education and teaching to the teaching staff and the quality of students. They are full of distinct characteristics of the times. However, under the influence of the traditional educational concept, management mechanism and management mode, the education and teaching environment in modern schools has not given full play to its due effect and effect. Some schools’ hardware construction and software management are out of touch with each other and can not adapt to the development of modern education The requirements restrict the potential development of educators and educators, personality development and overall success, affecting the implementation of the education policy and the full implementation of quality education. Creating a modern school education environment for the 21st century and implementing quality education in an all-round way is a topic that every educator, especially education and management worker, should seriously consider, explore and practice. In recent years, our school has paid great attention to the simultaneous development of hardware construction and software management, paid attention to creating a good modern school education environment, greatly changed the outlook of the school, improved the quality of education and teaching, improved the social reputation, and the overall quality of students And personality traits have been developed in harmony, has now become the provincial model provincial key vocational high school.
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