The Creation of a Global Contract Law:Nightmare or Noble Dream?

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Introduction The subject of this lecture is the creation of an international law of contract.As is widely known,almost every nation state has its own law of contract.In England,the jurisdiction in which I practise,this law is contained partly in the common law(the law made in the courts)and partly in statute (the law made by the legislator).Chinese contract law is of course rather different,in that it is codified.However,on closer examinatior,the differences Introduction The subject of this lecture is the creation of an international law of contract. As is widely known, almost every nation state has its own law of contract. In England, the jurisdiction in which I practice, this law is contained partly in the common law (the law made in the courts) and partly in statute (the law made by the legislator) .Chinese contract law is of course rather different, in that it is codified. However, on closer examinatior, the differences
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