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仅有一千多字的《井冈翠竹》,竟运用了多达十六种的修辞手法,直可谓蔚为奇观,独树一帜,构成了文章整体的修辞美。 —、生动形象的比喻。 “到近处看,有的修直挺拔,好似当年山头的岗哨;有的密密麻麻,好似埋伏在深坳里的奇兵。” 文章开头连用两个比喻句,形象生动地写出了毛竹的英姿和磅礴的气势。 二、情感强烈的排比。 “看见它,就想起了竹筒饭的清香,想起了老俵们冒着生命危险冲过敌军封锁线送上山来的粮食,想起了山上缺粮的年月。” 文章从毛竹引起了许许多多的联想,用来歌颂毛竹在革命战争年代的艰苦岁月中的伟绩。 三、音韵和谐的叠字。 “从远处看,郁郁苍苍、重重叠叠”,“有的密密麻麻”。通过六组叠字修辞手法的运用,把毛竹的青翠欲滴、茂 With just over a thousand words, Jinggang Cuizhu actually used as many as 16 kinds of rhetorical devices. It can be described as unique and unique, and it constitutes the rhetorical beauty of the article as a whole. A vivid image metaphor. “When we look closely, some are straight and upright, like the sentinels of the mountain; some are densely packed, like ambushing soldiers in the depths.” At the beginning of the article, two metaphorical sentences were used to vividly depict the bamboo’s heroic and heroic image. Majestic momentum. Second, strong emotional ratio. “When I saw it, I remembered the fragrance of the bamboo rice. I remembered that the old men risked their lives and rushed through the enemy’s blockade and sent food to the mountains. They remembered the years of food shortages on the mountain.” The article has caused a lot of fire from the bamboo. Many associations are used to extol the feats of Mao Zhu in the difficult years of the Revolutionary War. Third, the phonological harmony of overlapping words. “From a distance, it is dark and heavy,” and “some are dense.” Through the use of six groups of rhetorical devices, the bamboos are green and lush.
」嘿尹瞬书黔朴价一猫姗丫弩麟子淤代地启羚t瞥沪群~尸户今代降黔砂嗡二戈琴一从沙黔羚职窄侧饭专稿1994年全国高考数学试卷评价报告 …国家教委考试中心全国高考试题评价组1
<正> 1992年3月,中共中央政治局在北京召开的全体会议指出:解放和发展生产力,是我们党领导人民建设社会主义的根本任务。会议强调指出:我们不仅要在社会主义条件下发展生产力
<正> &#39;一个中心、两个基本点&#39;,这是党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线的核心和主要特征。以阶级斗争为纲,还是以经济建设为中心,这是两条不同的政治路线的根本区别所在
构造方程解题,方法巧妙,过程简明,对此已有许多杂志载文介绍。然而,我们发现常常发生下面的错误。现抄录两例加以分析,以期引起大家注意。 例1 若a、b为实数,且a~2+3a+1=0,b
<正> 当前,摆在中国人民面前,有两项艰巨任务。一是&#39;努力实现社会主义现代化建设的第二步战略目标,在建设有中国特色社会主义道路上继续前进&#39;;二是&#39;筑起抵御国内