New Developments in Water Efficiency

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoyw00
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An overview of significant new developments in water efficiency is presented in this paper. The areas covered will be legislative, regulatory, new programs or program wrinkles, new products, and new studies on the effectiveness of conservation programs. Examples include state and local level efficiency regulations in Texas; the final results of the national submetering study for apartments in the US; the US effort to adopt the IWA protocols for leak detection; new water efficient commercial products such as ET irrigation controllers, new models of efficient clothes washers, and innovative toilet designs. An overview of significant new developments in water efficiency is presented in this paper. The areas covered will be legislative, regulatory, new programs or program wrinkles, new products, and new studies on the effectiveness of conservation programs. Examples include state and local level efficiency regulations in Texas; the final results of the national submetering study for apartments in the US; the US effort to adopt the IWA protocols for leak detection; new water efficient commercial products such as ET irrigation controllers, new models of efficient clothes washers, and innovative toilet designs.
双侧卵巢黄体囊肿破裂一例阎若 (内蒙古自治区医院)患者28岁、因下腹剧痛3天、曾晕厥2次。于1991年11月16日入院。20天前妊娠50天曾做人工流产手术。刮出物见有绒毛组织,术后恢复好、无腹痛。13岁
Water resources exploitation is always very important during the whole oasis urbanization in arid zone, adapting with urban development in between contradiction
雷公藤(Tripterygium wilforaii Hook.f.)为卫矛科木质藤本植物,高约三米。根内皮橙黄色。小枝红褐色,有4~6棱。叶互生,椭圆形或阔卵形,长4~7厘米,宽3~4厘米,边缘有细锯齿。聚