
来源 :中国考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dartal_1999
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今年2月,教育部出台了《关于进一步深化普通高等学校招生考试制度改革的意见》教学[1999]3号。这个文件在社会上引起了很大反响。教育部门、教师、学生及家长,对文件的理解有很大的不同。其中,涉及高考内容改革方面的问题也很多。为此,本刊记者就以下主要问题采访了教育部考试中心分管这方面工作的负责人。记者:从1977年恢复高考以来,高考经过了几次调整和改革。例如实行高中毕业会考与高考分离,高考实行“3+2”形式的考试科目。应当说,变化不小,成绩不少。那么,现在为什么又要进行高考的改革? In February of this year, the Ministry of Education promulgated the “Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of the Enrollment Examination System of Higher Education Institutions” teaching [1999] No. 3. This document has caused great repercussions in society. Education departments, teachers, students, and parents have very different understandings of documents. Among them, there are many problems concerning the reform of college entrance examination content. To this end, our reporter interviewed the person in charge of the Ministry of Education Examination Center in charge of the following major issues. Reporter: Since the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, the college entrance examination has undergone several adjustments and reforms. For example, the implementation of the high school graduation test and the separation of the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination to implement the “3 +2” form of test subjects. It should be said that the change is not small and there are many achievements. So why do we need to reform the college entrance examination now?
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