How Far can Structural Grammar Go?

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  【Abstract】There are some misunderstandings of the role of Structural Linguistics in recent linguistics. In order to make it clear whether Structural Linguistics is still a living theory, this paper reviews the theory of Structural Grammar, and analyses Audiolingual Method and its realization-pattern teaching. The conclusion is that Structural Linguistics is still, at least in the field of language teaching, influential nowadays.
  【Key words】Structural Grammar; Audiolingual Method; The importance and application of Pattern Teaching
  【作者簡介】赵莉莉(1981.6- ),女,壮族,广西人,广西师范大学漓江学院,硕士,研究生,讲师,研究方向:英语教学,跨文化传播学。
  The Structural approach to the analysis of language was started by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure in the beginning of the twentieth century. In a sense, all the linguistic theories after him are structural in that all regard linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structural (or system), not as isolated bits.(Hu Zhuanglin, 2002:119) However, since 1970s, Structural Linguistics have given rise to Transformational Grammar, which is proposed firstly by Chomsky and accepted world-widely in the field of linguistic study. Even those, who work in fields like phonology or with units like the morpheme, do not describe themselves as structuralists. Is Structural Grammar really out-dated?Dose it die away totally from the nowadays’ linguistic study?But “if linguistics is no longer officially structural, why so many linguists and theories are still influenced by structuralist ideas”, (Matthews, 2001:142) namely, pattern teaching. This paper begins with the revision of Structural Grammar, and then describes the Audiolingual Method influenced by ideas of Structural Linguistics, and ends up with discussion of significance and application of Pattern teaching-one realization of Audiolingual Method-in order to depict that Structural Linguistics is still valuable in recent linguistic study.
  1. Structural Grammar
  Structural Grammarians think that every language has tight structural which makes that language a specific system. It is because of mastering the systematic structure that people can understand and produce sentences which they haven’t heard before. Grammar should be constructed to describe language structure and display language system objectively. (He Linmei, 2004:59) The structural description of English begins with an analysis of the sound of the language in general, and then goes on to isolate mutually exclusive groups of grammar description proceeds to the next highest level, the word structure (morphology) of English, which involves the isolation of the smallest meaning-bearing units, the morphemes, which make up the words of the language. Finally, structural grammar analyzes the phrase structure, or syntax, of English. At this level, the grammarian looks for the various ways in which can be combined to produce grammatical English sentences. (Lapalombara, 1976) Therefore, there will be a system: some patterns of organization which contribute to grammatical meaning. As Fries argued, a sentence is a structural pattern which is made up of “parts of speech” which can be identified both by their formal markers and by their position or positions in the pattern, then we must test for all sentence positions in which that part of speech can occur.   Because a language has a system for putting its words together in meaningful relationships, English sentence can range in length from one or two to a theoretically limitless number of words. Indeed, most of the sentences which most of us speak and understand are a great deal more complex than we realize. Yet we speak our native language without conscious thought about the grammar rules we use when we put our sentences together. Structural linguists believe that such language ability is a learned process, made possible by two factors: (1) humans’ powers of observation and their highly evolved brain capacity, which make it possible for them to reason inductively; and (2) the structured, highly organized nature of language.
  To what extent these factors explain language acquisition is open to question, but is undeniable that language is systematically structured.
  2. Audiolingual Method
  The reason why Structural Linguistics has been popular for a long period from 1930s to 1950s is that it was widely applied into language teaching and learning and had got good effects. (Liu Runqing, 2003:148) The theory of language underlying Audiolingualism was derived from a view proposed by American linguists in the 1950s – a view that came to be known as Structural Linguistics. According to Structural Linguistics, language is viewed as a system of structurally related elements for the encoding of meaning, the elements being phonemes, morphemes, words, structures, and sentence types. The term “structural” referred to these characteristics: (1) Elements in a language are thought of as being linearly produced in a rule-governed (structural) way. (2) Language samples could be exhaustively described at any structural level of description. (3) Linguistic levels are thought of as systems within systems – that is, as being pyramidally structured; phonemic systems led to morphemic systems, and these in turn led to the higher-level systems of phrases, clauses, and sentences. In this sense, learning a language, it is assumed, entails mastering the elements or building blocks of the language and learning the rules by which these elements are combined, from phoneme to morpheme to word to phrase to sentence.
  Hence, Audiolingual Method contains five principles which reflect Bloomfield’s idea. The principles are: (1) Language is speech; (2) Language is a set of habits; (3) To teaching language is to teach how to learn a kind of language rather than to recognize it; (4) Language should be what native speakers say; (5) A language is different from the others.   Since linguists normally describe languages beginning with the phonological level and finishing with the sentence level, it is assumed that is also the appropriate sequence for learning and teaching. First of all, the important tenet is that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language. Therefore, it is assumed that speech had a priority in language teaching. Second, a large number of practice and drills are stressed in teaching process. That is because according to Behaviorism, reinforcement is a vital element in the learning process, and it increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again and eventually become a habit. Third, since the structure is what is important and unique about a language, early practice should focus on mastery of phonological and grammatical structures rather than on mastery of vocabulary. Fourth, patterns, in which some words can be replaced, are mainly the content of practice.
  Audiolingualism reached its period of most widespread use in the 1960s and was applied both to the teaching of foreign languages in the United States and to the teaching of English as a second or foreign language. (Richards
学本课堂就是以学生为主的课堂,即,以学生的学习为主,教师只做适当的点拨。学本课堂能让学生思维自主地迸发,能让他们不断地审视自己、超越自己。要想真正地实施学本课堂,教师就得培养学生三方面的意识,即自主意识、问题意识、思辨意识。换言之,只有这三种意识在学生身上生根,学本课堂才能真正地建立。  一、自主意识,让学生主动地学习  让教师牵着鼻子走,学生始终学不好英语的,因此在英语课堂上教师要培养他们的自主
【摘要】英语是一门学科,同时也是一种语种,有着自己独立的体系,农村小学不断的发展之中,而农村小学对于英语的认知总是十分重要的,而教育主要是以学生为本,本文就农村小学教育以生为本发教学模式的完善进行探究与讨论。  【关键词】农村小学;教学模式;以生为本  【作者简介】赵金凤,宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市星海小学。  小学生正处于一个特殊的发展阶段,在这个阶段里,他们需要发展自我兴趣,而以学生为根本的激发学
【摘要】“互联网 ”背景下,互联网将与教育有效融合,大学英语的教与学将紧密围绕互联网展开,将给大学英语教学带来挑战与机遇。为了适应“互联网 ”背景下的大学英语教学,必须对传统大学英语教学模式进行深度优化,包括优化教学内容、创新混合式教学模式、重构学生英语学习考核方式等,以进一步提升大学英语教学质量,提升大学生英语综合运用能力。  【关键词】互联网 ;教学模式;大学英语  【作者简介】丁雷,湖南幼儿
【摘要】本文从全国高职高专实用英语口语技能大赛的测评标准,重点浅析了“课赛结合”中的口语能力培养模式:“听、说、读、写、译能力全方位提高”;“注重实践,提高职场能力”;“及时评价修正教学效果,做到不断优化”。  【关键词】技能大赛;高职英语;“课赛结合”;口语能力  【作者简介】郭卫平(1964-),女,湖南人,湖南工艺美术职业学院,副教授,研究方向:语用学和教学法。一、前言  全国高职高专实用英
【摘要】新课程改革背景下,对于高中英语词汇教学提出了更高要求。高中英语教师要充分结合高中学生个性特点及学习能力差异,开展多元化教学策略方法。以激发学生主动学习意识和参与积极性,将语篇词汇衔接理论良好英语于高中英语词汇教学活动中。有效促进学生词汇水平及英语核心素养提高,体现良好英语词汇教学成效。本文主要阐述新课程改革背景下,语篇词汇衔接理论在高中英语词汇教学中具体应用策略探析。  【关键词】语篇词汇
【摘要】国内外研究表明,元认知策略在英语写作中起着十分重要的作用。然而,高中英语写作中元认知策略的培养还没有真正引起中小学英语教师的关注。作者以培养高中英语写作中元认知策略为出发点,探讨了如何通过元认知策略的培养提升学生的写作水平,以达到提升英语写作课堂效率的目的。  【关键词】元认知策略;高中英语;写作教学;策略培养  【作者简介】孙羽(1995.09-),女,汉族,山东枣庄人,延安大学外国语学
【摘要】本次研究的目的是为了测试一份月考英语试卷的效标关联效度,我们把测试学生的高考真题试卷的分数作为效标分数,通过将这次英语月考测试的分數与校标分数进行对比研究,来计算本次月考英语测试的效标关联效度,从而来检测这次英语月考试卷的有效性。  【关键词】高中英语月考;效标关联效度  【作者简介】李晶,江西省吉安市第三中学。一、引言  月考是中学英语教学中的一种常态考试形式,对高中英语教学的作用不可低
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断深入,更加注重培养学生的创新精神与实践能力。英语属于一门语言学课,教师应根据时代的发展转变传统教学方法与理念,在课堂教学中尊重学生主体地位,引导学生主动参与教学活动,提高其获取信息、分析问题与处理信息等能力。受应试教育理念的影响,学生在课堂学习过程中缺乏热情,甚至存在抵触情绪。因此,提高课堂趣味性,着重培养学生的学习习惯与行为习惯,满足学生今后的发展。  【关键词】中学
笔者在负责课题《新课程标准下初中英语听说课有效教学策略的研究》的过程中,发现师生在听说课中课堂提问存在着不少问题。有些公开课课堂提问像被提前安排好了一样,老师对学生的提问范围有限,总是几个英语水平高的学生回答。课堂提问本是教师为学生对课文理解所搭的脚手架,能帮助教师把控课堂效率,但研究中发现形势不容乐观。下面是笔者以仁爱英语九年级Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has dev
【摘要】在新课标改革工作不断开展的今天,我国越来越重视对学生思维能力的培养,以促进学生的各方面发展。文章以初中英语阅读教学为例,指出培养学生思维能力方面存在的教学问题,提出相应的教学策略,从而提高学生的思维能力促进学生的全面发展。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;思维能力;策略  【作者简介】王晓霞,会宁县郭城驿初级中学。  阅读教学作为初中英语教学体系中必不可少的一个教学环节,对学生的各方面发展