Implications of Sapir—Whorf Hypothesis for Language Learners: Taking the Example of Chinese and Engl

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  【Abstract】The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(SWH) highlights Sapir’s and Whorf’s viewpoints of the relationship between language and thought. They hold that language and thought are somewhat interwoven. Language is not simply a way of voicing ideas, but is the very thing which shapes those ideas. This paper confirms Sapir’s and Whorf’s views on language and culture and discusses the implications of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis for Chinese-English learners. This paper also provides a contrast between English and Chinese characteristics.
  【Key words】Sapir-Whorf hypothesis; linguistic determinism; linguistic relativity; Chinese -English learners
  1. Introduction
  Language is an indispensable carrier of culture. During the course of a second language acquisition, it is considerably significant to understand the connection between language and culture, in particular, language and thought. Among the theories concerning the relationship between language and thought, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis might be the most significant yet controversial one, attracting much attention yet arousing great controversy. This paper aims to confirm the hypothesis by giving examples of Chinese-English learners. The content of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis will be put in the first place, What follows is the implications of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis for Chinese-English learners. Afterwards, a contrastive analysis between Chinese and English is taken on.
  2. Content of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
  As the name indicates that this hypothesis is put forward by noted American anthropological linguistics Edward Sapir, and his student Benjamin Lee Whorf, an amateur linguist. The hypothesis states:
  “...Our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world...the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be” (胡壯麟, 2010, p.149).
  From this point of view, this hypothesis can be analyzed in two dimensions:language determinism and language relativity. Later, the original hypothesis has been decoded as two versions:the strong one and the weak one.
  “The strong version emphasizes the decisive role of language to shape the thinking patterns; conversely, the weak one supposes that there is a correlation between language, culture and thought, but the cross-cultural differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relative, rather than categorical” (胡壮麟, 2010, p.150-151).   The strong version has been a target of criticism, while the weak one is accepted with many conditions. Today, the hypothesis is usually referred to as the linguistic relativity hypothesis, Whorfian hypothesis, or simply Whorf, the reason of which may be that much of the claim owes to Whorf than it does to Sapir (Wardhaugh, 2007, p.222).
  Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, to some degree, has opened another door to inspire people to explore on the relationship between language and thought. Mostly, people debate this hypothesis in two aspects:Linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity.
  2.1 Linguistic Determinism
  According to the concept of linguistic determinism, one’ s thought or thinking is completely determined by his native language. When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004, this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide compliments. German newspapers described how it“floated above the clouds” with“elegance and lightness” and“breathtaking” beauty. In France, papers praised the“immense concrete giant”. Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power? In German, the noun for bridge, Brücke, is feminine. In French, pont is masculine. German speakers saw female features; French speakers, masculine ones. Even a small fluke of grammar-the gender of nouns-can have an effect on how people think about things in the world.
  2.2 Linguistic Relativity
  According to Whorf, different categories and concepts used in different languages reflect the different ways of the speakers’ categorizing and analyzing the world. If language determines thought, speakers of different languages will never understand each other. But the fact is that not only do speakers of different languages understand each other well, but also the same linguistic framework may generate quite different world-view. That is to say, language cannot completely determine thought, but does exert influence on patterns of thinking.
  3. Implications of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis for Chinese- English Learners
  3.1 On the Syntactical Level
  Certainly language places some limitations on how a person can express their thoughts. For example, since verb tenses are a basic structural feature of the English language, almost any statement made by an English speaker must specify whether an event is happening now, has already happened, or will happen in the future. But a speaker of Chinese—which does not conjugate verbs according to number, person, or tense—is not forced to make the same kind of time specifications that are required in English. According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, the structural contrasts between the two languages give English speakers different views about the nature of time. The English language stresses periodicity by dividing time into distinct categories of past, present, and future, whereas in Chinese, the form of verbs do not change according to number, person, or tense.   3.2 On the Discourse Level
  Being influenced by languages and cultures, English learners with different culture backgrounds have various expressions at logical level and discourse structure level. For example, English learners from Arab are likely to use repetition and parallel in English writing; while learners from Latin usually narrate in a digressed way. Chinese learners like to use induction in English writing. The inductive discourse model is a common, natural and unmarked discourse phenomenon; and Deductive discourse model is common in English culture.
  4. A Contrastive Analysis Between Chinese and English
  By examples that are mentioned above, we are aware that the language we use definitely to some extent shapes the way we think. But why the language we use can affect our thinking pattern? There must be some characteristics in our language which influence the way we think.
  4.1 Difference in Language Origin
  Originated from the pictograph, Chinese language tends to arouse direct association in meaning just from the pattern of a character. Therefore, Chinese is instrumental in developing the concrete thinking of the language user. On the other hand, the English language belongs to alphabetic writing, featuring lack of direct connection between the word pattern and the meaning; specific grammatical and logical relationship between words is needed in order to clearly express ideas and convey information. So, an understanding of a certain notion must follow the thinking process of proceeding from defining to inferring, which facilitates the development of both abstract and logical thinking of English speakers.
  4.2 Difference in Language Structure
  Being a branch of Indo-European language family, English is characterized by compact structure. In which frequent use of logic connectives closely links up various clauses. In comparison, Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan language family; light use of logic markers gives the language a loose connection between sentences, so the smoothness of a passage depends on the coherence of meaning and comprehension of the connotation beyond the literal meaning. Thus, it follows that English language takes on an analytical thinking or logical thinking, whereas Chinese reveals more of an associative thinking rather than an analytical one.
  5. Conclusion
  The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that the way we think about the world is shaped by our language. Consisting of two parts—linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. By comparing language characteristics between Chinese and English, we can draw a conclusion that different language structure and expressive habits to some degree do shape or influence our thinking pattern. This is the main finding of this paper. On the other hand, we should make greater efforts and, study the relationship between language, thought and culture from an empirical and dialectical perspective. There should be no such saying as certain languages are superior or inferior. This opinion is significant in preserving the endangered languages and helping creating a multicultural world.
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阿亮缺课的那天,辛欣也缺了一根筋,整节课魂不守舍的。尤其是打高远球的时候,她有气无力的,总是打不到指定位置,就干脆把球扔过头顶,“返璞归真”到了最业余的发球姿势。代课的冯老师看见了,一声大喝:“那边的同学,姿势错了!”  辛欣默默地把球捡回来,继续苦命发球。  错了。苦命的不是她,而是我。辛欣因阿亮缺席而产生的怨气,毫不意外地发泄到了我身上。唉,谁让阿亮是辛欣的“初恋”呢。  辛欣有很多“初恋”,
女生就一定得是淑女吗  去年,我考进了本地最好的高中,非常开心。可慢慢的,却发现了一个严重的问题——虽然我人缘算是不错,同学们也都挺好相处的,但是他们看我的眼光却似乎跟看其他女生不一样。  说实话,我从小就不是什么乖巧、文静的女孩子,整天大大咧咧的。衣服跟发型向来很随便,不像大多数女生那样把自己打理得井井有条、纤尘不染的。小时候男生都叫我“假小子”的,自己想想么,也确实是这样的,不管是个性还是细节
我上的初中是一所半军事化管理的学校,女生必须把头发剪短,校服是黑色的,弄脏了也难被看出来。夏天,所有的学生在规定的时间里匆忙洗完澡后,整个寝室楼里便弥漫着洗衣粉和花露水的味道。  那时我是一个优等生,每次考试的成绩都名列前茅,参加各项比赛和培训班,竞选学生会干部,戴很厚的眼镜。我很少上网,并且拒绝使用QQ。实际上,2002年网络早已泛滥,聊天室不计其数,BBS热闹无比。仿佛那是一个新的星球,孤独而
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