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1.我国传统文检课教材建设回顾经过二十多年的研究和实践,我国高校文检课教材建设呈现出系统、科学、规范、适用学科覆盖面广等特点。在内容设置方面,兼顾信息技术与应用和传统理论与技术,帮助学生使用各种纸本检索工具和电子检索工具;在知识结构层次方面,注重从通用性向专业化分层次地纵向展开;在编写逻辑方面,能够按照学生的认识特点和规律来组织学科材料,遵循由感性到理性、 1. Review of the construction of traditional Chinese textbook teaching materials After more than two decades of research and practice, the construction of Chinese textbook teaching materials has shown its systematic, scientific and standardized application of wide range of disciplines. In the content setting, both information technology and applications and traditional theories and techniques should be taken into consideration to help students to use various paper retrieval tools and electronic retrieval tools. At the level of knowledge structure, emphasis should be placed on the vertical development from genericness to specialization; Logic, in accordance with the characteristics and laws of students to organize the discipline of materials, follow from the emotional to rational,
早孕期的介入性产前诊断方法主要是绒毛取材(chorionic villus sampling,CVS),CVS 的方式主要有经宫颈CVS(transcervical CVS,TC-CVS)和经腹 CVS(transabdominalCVS,TA-CVS)
Double-perovskite type oxide LaSrFeCoO_6(LSFCO) was used as oxygen carrier for chemical looping steam methane reforming(CL-SMR) due to its unique structure and
The chemical bonding nature of rare earth(RE) elements can be studied by a quantitative analysis of electron domain of an atom. The outer electrons of RE elemen
The real-time second harmonic generation was employed to investigate the[2+2]photodimerization of styrylquinoline(SQ) derivatives in Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) monol
80家车企应收账款超千亿25家企业业绩下滑  截至8月31日,沪深两市80家汽车制造业上市公司半年报全部出炉。其中,25家公司业绩同比下滑,占比31%;55家公司业绩同比现不同程度增长,占比69%。  上半年,仅4家公司业绩亏损,分别是*ST黑豹、亚星客车、东安动力和天兴仪表。值得注意的是,上半年,80家汽车制造业公司,应收账款期末金额合计1016亿元,平均每家12.7亿元。其中,上汽集团应收账款
直到今年4月份,中国汽车品牌市场份额仍在保持已经连续了3年的下滑趋势。中汽协统计数据显示,今年1-4月,乘用车销量增幅较一季度小幅提升,但中国品牌占有率仍呈现下降态势。  数据显示,1-4月,中国品牌乘用车共销售248.12万辆,同比下降0.13%,占乘用车销售总量的38.30%,占有率较上年同期下降4.06个百分点。  中国品牌轿车的销售情况更加不容乐观。1-4月,中国品牌轿车共销售94.16万