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我单位在施工淮南三水厂清水池中,池底板混凝土浇好以后,不料在1000多米~2的池板上,有20多处发生了砂眼渗水现象,虽采取了一些措施,也没有很好地解决,后来用“扩眼填充法”顺利地攻克了这一难题。现将主要工艺及操作要领介绍如下。1.以渗水的砂眼为中心,扩开一边长为板厚1/2~1/3的方孔,深度至见土为止。2.将洞内积水用小器皿快速 In the construction of a clear water tank in the Huai’nan Sanshui Plant, after the concrete was poured on the concrete floor slab of the Sanshui Plant in our company, unexpectedly the water seepage phenomenon occurred in more than 20 places on more than 1,000 meters~2 of the pool plate. Although some measures were taken, it was not very good. To solve the problem, it was later successfully solved this problem with the “Expanded Eye Filling Method.” Now the main process and operating instructions are described below. 1. With the water-sucking trachoma as the center, expand the square hole with one-half to one-third of the plate thickness on one side until the depth reaches the ground. 2. Quickly store water in the cavity with small vessels
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本文根据加速澄清池的实测沉降资料,对软土地基上加速澄清池的基础设计进行探讨,并提出地基变形的允许值作为设计的参考。 This paper discusses the basic design of acceler
我们知道如果一元二次方程ax~2+bx+c =0(a≠0)的两根为x_1,x_2,则有:x_1+x_2=- b/a,x_1x_2=c/a.除了这个根与系数的一般关系 We know that if the quadratic equation ax~2+b
一把伞撑开 慰藉和温暖送给别人 自己留下了风雨 An umbrella bolster relief and give warmth to others left by themselves
子曰:“学而时习之,不亦乐乎?”按南怀谨老先生的说法:就是指做学问要经常地见习和实践,不断验证和加深对学问的求实和理解,这样才能高兴起来。目前,安 Zixie: “Learning t