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为了贯彻党的十三届四中全会精神,总结交流经验,推动全省高校图书馆进一步发挥教育职能和情报职能,更好地为学校的思想政治教育和教学、科研服务,广东省高教局于1989年10月至28日,在广州中医学院,召开“广东省高校图书馆发挥‘两个职能’经验交流会”。到会的有42所高校图书馆馆长,论文作者和2个图书情报学教学单位的负责人,共71名代表,22所高校图书馆向大会送了36篇经验材料和论文。14位代表在大会上介绍了经验。会议听取了国家教委条件装备司马樟根副司长的讲话录音。会议还按教育职能、情报职能和文检课三个课题进行分组讨论。会议由省图工委副主任、中山大学图书馆副馆长赵希琢致开幕词,由省图工委副主仔、华南师大图书馆副馆长杨位平作会议小结,最后省高教局孙祖余副处长代表省高教局部署了今后工作。代表们普遍反映,这次会议开得很紧凑,很成功,检阅了成绩,交流了经验,明确了方向,互相启发教育,取得较好效果,将对全省高校图书馆进一步发挥两个职能起到良好的推动作用。 In order to implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, sum up experiences and exchange experiences, promote the further development of the educational and intelligence functions of the university library in the province, and better serve the ideological and political education, teaching and scientific research in schools. The Higher Education Bureau of Guangdong Province From October 28 to October 28, at the Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Guangdong University Libraries Played Two Experiences in Experience Exchange Conference.” At the meeting there were 42 directors of university libraries, dissertation authors and 2 heads of library and information science teaching units, a total of 71 delegates. Twenty-two university libraries sent 36 empirical materials and papers to the conference. Fourteen delegates introduced the experience at the conference. The meeting listened to the speech made by Deputy Director of State Department of Education Education and Equipment Division Sima Zhang root. The meeting also organized by the educational functions, intelligence functions and seized three topics for group discussion. At the meeting, Zhao Xizhuo, deputy director of the provincial figure working committee and deputy director of the Zhongshan University Library made an opening speech. The meeting was briefed by Yang Biting, deputy director of the South China Normal University Library, Director on behalf of the Provincial Higher Education Bureau deployed for future work. Representatives generally reflected that the meeting was very compact and very successful. The results were reviewed, the experience was exchanged, the direction was clarified, the education was mutually inspired and the good results were achieved. The two functions of the university library in our province would be further played To a good role in promoting.
西藏独特的地理环境 ,浓郁的民族风情形成缤纷的西藏民族节日。雪顿节 早在 1 7世纪 ,佛教寺庙的喇嘛每逢藏历六月到七月都要进行一个月的静修。静修期间喇嘛们不得食用酸奶
1.什么是老年人营养不良? 答:老年人营养不良和其他年龄组相同,也分单纯消瘦和恶性营养不良两种类型。前者是指热能不足,而蛋白质摄取正常。后者是指热能和蛋白质摄取均有不
药膳是以中医理论为基础,将中药材加工炮制后与传统的烹饪原料结合烹调而成的特殊食品,应具有传统肴馔的色香味形,普通食品的营养价值和特殊的养生保健、防病治病的功能。药膳的烹调有不少的特别要求,现就选料、切配、火候、调味等方面闲话如下:    药膳的原料  药膳原料的选择既要遵循中医、中药理论又要遵循烹饪法则。在选料过程中首先要保证药物和食物必须符合卫生学的要求,要考虑原料的药性和药味,多选择便于加工制