陕西省认真开展中小企业发展状况审计调查 积极应对国际金融危机冲击

来源 :现代审计与经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengaipan
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随着国际金融危机对世界经济的负面影响的明显扩大,对我国经济造成的冲击明显增强,举国上下日益高度关注。今年2月份,国家审计署根据温总理指示,组织6个省级审计机关和7个特派办就国际金融危机对我国9个省(市)中小企业影响状况进行专项审计调查。陕西省委,省政府高度重视,省审计厅与兰州特派办联合行动,与13个相关部门密切协同,省市县三级联动,历时一个月,对本省GDP贡献大,有地域特色,有代表性的,涉及工业,建筑业,农林牧渔业,住宿餐饮业,交通运输和邮政业等规模以上中小企业302户开展了专项审计调查。基本掌握了陕西中小企业2007年度至2009年2月以来的基本生产经营状况,受金融危机影响较大的主要表现,2008年中央和地方出台多项支持中小企业发展政策的落实效果,并有针对性地提出了应对之策,为应对金融危机冲击,促进中小企业平稳较快发展,推动国家中小企业政策落实做出了贡献。现将汇总后的主要审计调查情况予以刊登,以满足广大审计人员和读者的需求。 With the marked expansion of the negative impact on the world economy caused by the international financial crisis, the impact on our economy has been significantly enhanced. All over the country are paying increasing attention. In February this year, according to Premier Wen Jiabao, the National Audit Office organized six provincial-level audit offices and seven special offices to conduct special audit investigations on the impact of the international financial crisis on SMEs in nine provinces (cities) in China. Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the provincial auditing office and the Lanzhou Special Administrative Office to act in unison, and 13 related departments in close coordination, the provincial cities and counties linkage three, which lasted a month, contributing to the province’s GDP, geographical features, there are representatives A total of 302 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) above designated size in industry, construction, forestry, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, accommodation and catering, transportation and postal services have carried out special audit investigations. We have basically mastered the basic production and operation status of Shaanxi SMEs from 2007 to February 2009 and are mainly affected by the financial crisis. In 2008, the central and local governments introduced a number of effective policies to support the development of SMEs. Proposed a response to the policy, in response to the impact of the financial crisis, promote the steady and rapid development of SMEs and promote the implementation of the national policy of small and medium enterprises to make a contribution. The summary of the major audit survey will be published to meet the needs of the majority of auditors and readers.
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