
来源 :烟台师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaia9
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孔德元教授,1959年1月出生于内蒙古兴和县。1976年高中毕业后,到农村插队。1977年恢复高考招生后,以优异成绩考入内蒙古大学历史系,1982年1月大学毕业后留校任教,讲授世界近代史、国际共运史等课程。1985年考入天津师范大学马列所科学社会主义专业继续深造,1988年研究生毕业,获硕士学位。同年来到烟台师范学院工作至今。2001年晋升为教授,现任烟台师范学院政法学院副院长,邓小平理论与思想政治教育专业硕士研究生导师。 Professor Kong Deyuan, born in January 1959 in Xinghe County, Inner Mongolia. After graduating from high school in 1976, he went to rural areas to set up a team. After resuming college entrance examination in 1977, he was admitted to the Department of History of Inner Mongolia University with his outstanding achievements. After graduating from college in January 1982, he left for school to teach courses on modern history and international communist history. In 1985 admitted to Tianjin Normal University, Marxism-Leninism-Marxism Science Socialism continued education, graduate in 1988, received a master’s degree. In the same year to Yantai Teachers College so far. He was promoted to professor in 2001, and now serves as vice president of Politics and Law Institute of Yantai Teachers College and master tutor of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Ideological and Political Education.
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