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陇地甘肃,东接陕宁高原,西连新疆戈壁,南依青蜀山川,北傍内蒙草原,地处中国大西北的腹地,在实施西部开发战略中,具有举足轻重的战略地位。自秦汉以来的千年历史中,甘肃儿女承前启后,筚路蓝缕,为铺就灿烂的丝绸之路作出了巨大贡献,甘肃也当之无愧地被世人誉为对外开放第一郡。沧海桑田今又是,由于复杂的自然、历史等原因,45万平方公里的甘肃大地却渐显孤凉:经济发展水平低,高新技术的研究投入乏力;教育相对落后,妨碍了先进科技在生产中的普及和应用;传统技术比重大,技术经济效益差;信息技术开发应用不足,加大了由此带来的地域差异。面对新世纪的曙光,甘肃人民既要努 Gansu in Gansu, Gansu in the east, the Shannon Plateau in the east, Gobi in Xinjiang in the west, the Qingshu Mountains in the south and the Inner Mongolia grassland in the north are located in the hinterland of northwestern China and play an important strategic role in the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, thousands of years have passed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The children of Gansu have made great contributions to paving the splendid Silk Road. Gansu is also well-deserved to be the first county to open to the outside world. Due to complex natural and historical reasons, the 450,000-square-kilometer Gansu earth is getting lonely: the low level of economic development and the sluggish investment in high-tech research; the backward education has hindered the development of advanced science and technology in production The popularization and application of traditional technologies; the large proportion of traditional technologies and poor technical and economic benefits; and the lack of information technology development and application, thus enlarging the geographical differences brought by it. In the face of the dawn of a new century, people in Gansu not only need to make efforts
对碎边剪刀盘在加工刀槽过程中所出现的问题进行分析,对正确的加工方法做了探讨和改进,为今后的工装设计提供了参考与借鉴。 Analyzed the problems occurred in the proces
The second symposium on the Hima-layan geology was held during May 10--12,1982 in Guilin, Guangxi. Li Tingdong, YeLianjun and other 26 Chinese scientists Pa-rt
张林雨先生的皇皇巨著《山西戏剧图史》(太原 ,山西人民出版社 ,2 0 0 2年 12月版 )出版了。好大的一部书 !8开本 ,3巨册 ,1718页 ,放到磅秤上一称 ,足足 16公斤 !这是我国戏
有机化合物中碳氢的测定,自1916年 F.普列格尔(Pregl)建立了微量测定的方法迄今四十多年来已有了很大的发展。不论是在样品的分解、燃烧产物的测定,或者是干扰物质的去除和