
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wade68
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第一线的语文教师,恐怕都有一种感受,即作文难教,其操作性较语文知识的教学弱得多。至于初执教鞭的教师,有的简直不知道该从何入手。记得上大学时有个教写作的老师说:作文是不可教的,要靠学生去“悟”,只有极少数有写作天赋的学生才能“顿悟”,写出优秀的作文来。 我多年从事高中语文教学,近几年改上初中语文。我的切身体会是:作文教学是一件费时长、投入多、难得像语文知识教学那样见到大面积丰收的艰苦工作。正如有些老师总结的那样,大多数学生的作 The first line of language teachers, I am afraid there is a feeling that the composition is difficult to teach, its operability is much weaker than the teaching of language knowledge. As for the teachers who started teaching, some simply do not know where to start. I remember that when I was in college there was a teacher who taught writing: The composition is not teachable. It depends on the students to “enlighten”. Only a handful of students who have a gift for writing can “enlighten” and write excellent essays. I have been engaged in high school language teaching for many years and have changed to junior high school in recent years. My personal experience is that composition teaching is a time-consuming, intensive, and hard-to-find project that has seen a large harvest in the same way as Chinese language teaching. As some teachers conclude, most students make
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2004年,我们在河道内成功进行大网箱养殖鳜鱼的基础上,又进行了小网箱养殖鳜鱼的试验,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,现将养殖技术总结如下: 一、 河道情况 In 2004, we s