Revolts Frequency during 1644-1911 in North China Plain and Its Relationship with Climate

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jovkin
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Based on the records of social revolts in the Actual Annals of Qing Dynasty(a collection of official records),the revolts frequency(amount of counties where revolts happened every year) in North China Plain during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) is reconstructed.By comparing revolts frequency with temperature and precipitation series,the interaction between climate and social responses is analyzed.It can be concluded that revolts broke out more frequently in colder periods and less frequently in warmer periods.There were much more revolts in drought decades than in wet decades, and the three fatal peasant uprisings in the Qing Dynasty were all ignited by severe droughts.The impacts of changes in temperature and precipitation on revolts should be estimated at different time scales.The correspondence emerged at neither decadal nor yearly scale until the turn between 18th and 19th centuries,the critical period when per capita cropland area decreased to a vulnerable level.Food crisis increased the vulnerability of local society,and changes in temperature and precipitation became an important trigger for revolts. Based on the records of social revolts in the Actual Annals of Qing Dynasty (a collection of official records), the revolts frequency (amount of counties where revolts happened every year) in North China Plain during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) is reconstructed .By comparing revolts frequency with temperature and precipitation series, the interaction between climate and social responses..It can be concluded that revolts broke out more more in colder periods and less frequently in warmer periods. in wet decades, and the three fatal peasant uprisings in the Qing Dynasty were all ignited by severe droughts. The impacts of changes in temperature and precipitation on revolts should be estimated at different time scales. The correspondence was at neither decadal nor yearly scale until the turn between 18th and 19th centuries, the critical period when per capita cropland area decreased to a vulnerable level .Food crisis increase d the vulnerability of local society, and changes in temperature and precipitation became an important trigger for revolts.
本刊讯 记者从有关方面获悉:2001年内蒙古自治区企业管理人员和经济管理干部参加各类培训的人数达到73341人次,从而全面完成了培训任务,使企业管理培训工作跨上了一个新台阶,为“十五” 期
1 病历摘要例1,男性,69岁。因咳嗽、血痰3月就诊,体温及血象正常,痰找抗酸杆菌及癌细胞均为阴性,胸片示右上肺团块影。经抗炎、抗痨治疗一个月,肺部病变无明显改变,于1992年