Flow field generated by a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator in quiescent air at initiatio

来源 :中国航空学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_dai
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A single Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma actuator driven by Alternating Cur-rent (AC) power, capable of inducing a starting vortex and a wall jet in quiescent air, is suited for low-Reynolds-number flow control. However, the starting vortex and the wall jet are usually observed after the plasma actuator has been operated for dozens of and hundreds of cycles of the voltage, respectively. The detail of the induced flow field at the initiation stage of the plasma actuator has rarely been addressed. At the initiation stage, a thin jet that provides the impetus for the entrainment of the induced flow at the beginning of the plasma actuation is first observed by using a high-accuracy phase-lock Schlieren technique and a high-speed Particle Image Velocime-try (PIV) system. This is the initial form of the momentum transfer from the plasma to the fluid. Then, an arched type jet is created by the plasma actuator. In addition, the whole development pro-cess of the induced flow field from the starting point of the thin jet to the quasi-steady stage of wall jet is presented for providing a comprehensive understanding of the plasma actuator and proposing a relevant enhancement of the numerical simulation model.
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