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朗读是一种对作品进行再创造,把书面语言转化为有声语言的表达艺术。它是我国几千年来传统的语文学习方法。朗读的作用和好处,主要有以下七个方面: 一、朗读是用形象化的口语表达文章思想感情的艺术手段。朗读通过语言技巧的运用和语音的多种变化,能够把作品中的人物、事件、意境,作者的思想、感情、趣味,文章的语言的节奏韵律、行文的语调气势活灵活现、绘声绘色地表达出来,也能把字里行间、纸底笔下的潜在含义溢于言表,还可以把书面文字难以表达或者根本无法表达的咨情妙趣抒发出来。从而,也就增强了文章的生动性、感染力和教育作用。二、朗读能帮助和加深理解文章的思想内容。朗读是以理解为基础的。朗读水平的高低、效果的好坏,常常反映着朗读者对文章的理解程度。但是,就朗读与理解的关系来说,朗读并不总是消极的。正确的朗读,反过来常常能起到加深理解的作用。朗读文章时,朗读者首先要钻进书本、进入角色,化入意境;继而还要经历试读、初读、熟读等若干阶段。这阶段,实际上就是正确理解、反复揣摩、深刻体会、准确表达的过程。既然朗读过程始终都贯穿着推敲、体味、咀嚼、品尝等认识活动,那么,它就很自然地会起到加深理解的作用。朗读还是一种深化理解的发现法。在朗读文章时,凡是不理解的地方,不是读得平淡如水、味同嚼蜡,便是语势悖扭、音响阻塞。因此,通过朗读能及时发现和排除理解上的障碍。反复朗读一篇好文章,每每会有新的收获。有时会发现过去的认识是偏颇之 Reading is an art of expression that recreates works and transforms written language into sound language. It is a traditional Chinese language learning method for thousands of years. The role and benefits of reading aloud are mainly in the following seven aspects: 1. Reading aloud is an artistic means of expressing the thoughts and feelings of the article in a verbalized language. Reading aloud through the use of language skills and various changes in speech can express the characters, events, mood, the author’s thoughts, feelings, interests, rhythm of the language of the essay, the tone of the language of the essay, vividly and eloquently. It can also spill over the potential meanings between the lines and the bottom of the paper, and it can also send out inquiries about the ineffable expression of written words or the inability to express them at all. As a result, the article’s vividness, appeal and education are enhanced. Second, reading aloud can help and deepen the understanding of the content of the article. Reading is based on understanding. The level of reading aloud, the quality of the results, often reflect the reader’s understanding of the article. However, reading aloud and understanding is not always negative. Correct reading, in turn, often serves to deepen understanding. When reading an article, readers first have to drill into books, enter roles, and transform into artistic conceptions; then they must go through several stages of reading, first reading, and reading. This stage is actually a process of correct understanding, repeated exploration, profound understanding, and accurate expression. Since reading aloud has always been through cognitive activities such as scrutiny, savoring, chewing, tasting, etc., it will naturally serve to deepen understanding. Reading is a deepening understanding of discovery. When reading an article, all those who do not understand, do not read plainly like water, taste the same chewing wax, it is lingering, audio blocking. Therefore, by reading aloud, you can discover and eliminate obstacles in understanding. Repeated reading a good article, there will always be new gains. Sometimes we find that past understanding is biased
目的比较米非司酮分别配伍卡孕栓和米索前列醇片阴道给药用于大月份(孕10~14周)钳刮术前准备的临床效果。方法选取长治市妇幼保健院2015年6月至2017年6月收治的90例孕10~14周要求终止妊娠的孕妇,按照随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,每组45例。两组均给予米非司酮(25 mg/ 片)口服,早晚各1片,连用3 d;对照组给予卡孕栓,观察组给予米索前列醇,比较两组宫颈扩张程度、宫颈软化时间、阴道
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目的探讨输尿管软镜钬激光碎石术治疗孤立肾上尿路结石的临床效果.方法 选择2016年1月至2017年12月收治的90例孤立肾上尿路结石患者根据手术方法分成两组,每组45例.对照组行